Example sentences of "to go to [art] " in BNC.

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1 I was the person who was supposed to go to every city before David got there to make sure that everything was in order , that the hall that was going to be performed in had all the facilities that were required — and the hotels — I had to check all of that .
2 There is no compulsion to go to every dinner and one is not expected to do so .
3 Do I need to go to a lawyer ?
4 Remember , family planning is free under the National Health Service and you can choose whether to go to a family planning clinic or a GP .
5 some local authorities have institutionalised unlawful practices such as having a second internal review before the case has a chance to go to a Review Board ;
6 At first , it appeared an anachronism for BR to go to a council and say , ‘ please give us some money to build a new station ’ or , ‘ we need a subsidy to keep this service going ’ .
7 A call came over the radio for us to go to a RTA .
8 While he served a flourishing chapel at Dewsbury in Yorkshire , his son , Michael Ramsey 's father , won a scholarship in mathematics to Magdalene College , Cambridge , the first generation of the family to go to a university .
9 The visitor of the last stanza comes ‘ more violent , more profound , / One soul , disdainful or disdained , ’ and in the condition of the year-spirit or , ‘ his shadowed beauty stained / The colour of the withered year ’ , to go to a death which places him in the position of savage sacrifice and , for he is surely related to the saints of Eliot 's other early poems , martyr ‘ Self-immolating on the Mound ’ .
10 Aszal refused to leave her until , he says , at 1 a.m. they were told that she had to go to a detention centre where men were not allowed .
11 ‘ I may have to go to a meeting .
12 This is another requirement of GPs from April 1990 , but many mothers are advised by the health visitor to go to a health authority clinic to be immunised .
13 Although he passed his 11-plus he chose to go to a technical school as it would be more art orientated .
14 They like to be able to go to a show and to be able to see something that they do n't see in their everyday lives — you know , catching the bus to go work or coming home on the bus .
15 Mr Gorbachev 's proposed Union Treaty is , like the matter of land ownership , to go to a referendum .
16 One by one , Israel 's reasons for declining to go to a peace conference are being whittled away .
17 Sometimes I used actually to go to a church in my religion , not to one peopled by a clergyman , choir boys , bald old men , and ladies with feathers in their hats , but to an empty church .
18 Those transistors are an essential element in West Indian life , keeping everyone who does not have the time or , more likely , the money , to go to a game in touch with what is happening .
19 ‘ I 've got to go to a Fatherhood Class , ’ he told Jane gloomily .
20 We used to go to a certain bar and sit at our favourite table , where we would be joined by a pair of bedizened harridans with dyed orange hair and chipped scarlet fingernails .
21 I think that he , who could have had as many friends as he wished , never realized how much it meant to a lonely and friendless person to have a friend , to be seen walking with him in the rose-red streets of Salamanca , to be able to go to a concert or an art museum with him , to have him opposite me at dinner in even the meanest , cheapest restaurant .
22 It is really very easy for people like me , in North-West London , living my comfortable middle-class life , to go to a comfortable mikva like some people go to the local jacuzzi or sauna !
23 Vonetta loves House music , and getting dressed up to go to a ‘ rave ’ ; she is twenty-two , at college , and lives at home with her parents , who are from Nigeria .
24 An upper-class homosexual-looking man with white hair and glittering eyes came up to me and asked if I wanted to go to a Black Mass .
25 Almost half of the respondents expected their farms to go to a member of the next generation .
26 There is a tendency therefore for young teachers to be unwilling to go to a rural school ; and for over a third of headteachers to live in the nearest large town .
27 Harvey 's father wanted to go to a poker game at the Elks Club , and he was already late .
28 Later , Clive had to go to a club and watch the Sergeant Major and some of his army mates .
29 ‘ Want to go to a club and see some damage done ? ’
30 We decided to go to a Hogmanay dance in the village hall , and they came along to watch .
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