Example sentences of "to go to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Deep safe water was a dark royal blue , while over a coral reef the sea shaded to green or , when perilously shallow , to brown , and Thessy , peering ahead , would shout at me to go to port or starboard , or even to go backwards as fast as the motors would catch hold .
2 In We Did n't Mean to Go To Sea , the Swallows return to the centre of the stage .
3 It is easy to see how the plot of We Did n't Mean To Go To Sea hatched , as he looked out into the distance and remembered a time when as a young man his anchor had dragged , and he had found himself sailing out to sea at night .
4 During his fishing time though it was sheer delight for him , his boys were always ready and willing to go to sea , bother U-boats etc !
5 In 1829 , as the lad approached the age of 14 , decision time was coming ; if Benjamin had any yearning to go to sea like his brother , he seems to have kept it quiet , but there was every need to find him a safe and secure job with prospects .
6 When he expressed his desire to go to sea , David had attempted to dissuade him , saying , ‘ It 's a hard life , Matthew .
7 I decided to go to sea again , and this time I joined a ship sailing to the islands in the South Pacific Ocean .
8 When I reached home , my wife made me promise never to go to sea again , and I thought my adventures had come to an end .
9 I stayed in London for some time , but I still wanted to go to sea .
10 ‘ And these fellers used to go to sea like that ; and in these boats they were gone ten and twelve weeks , and they slept in little bunks , and they never changed their clothes the whole time .
11 The only objection came from the Nippon Challenge who were unwilling to go to sea with JAP on their mainsail .
12 So you 'll be able to go to sea now .
13 ‘ In real life it would take them some time to get this boat ready to go to sea .
14 But I was interested in the sea , I wanted to go to sea , and and er Uncle John was my pirate uncle I thought .
15 And er I of course always wanted to go to sea , but er wh with two drowning in the family , er mother w w did n't appreciate that much .
16 Except when he had to go to sea .
17 I can get up now , even to go to bunker and upstairs and
18 Legal authorities who have taken over the case have imposed a blackout on information and until their investigations are complete and the case is ready to go to trial , probably in two to three months time , no-one can say how many fakes were involved , what their real value was , nor indeed how many people worked in the ring .
19 On May 13 the acting Attorney General Hamad al-Othman said that 45 collaboration cases were ready to go to trial .
20 On quantum , the court must decide simply whether the settlement itself is a reasonable one and for the benefit of the minor or other under disability having regard to all the circumstances of the case , including the risk of litigation , desire of the parties to settle , and the disinclination of the plaintiff to go to trial .
21 ( 5 ) Pursuing the case expeditiously. ( 6 ) Readiness to go to trial if need be .
22 ( vii ) Pursuing the case expeditiously. ( viii ) Readiness to go to trial .
24 In August 1763 Mason and Dixon signed an agreement with Thomas Penn and Frederick Calvert , seventh Baron Baltimore [ qq.v. ] , hereditary proprietors of the provinces of Pennsylvania and Maryland , to go to North America to help local surveyors define the disputed boundary between the two provinces .
25 It did n't give me a very positive image to actually find other people , but I used to go to South London drag pubs , such as the Vauxhall , with schoolfriends when we were in sixth form .
26 They do n't want to go to South East England .
27 Once he 'd found out that I was applying to go to art school he opened up quite a bit and we began to talk .
28 How it deserved to go to Paradise . ’
29 Eventually he reached Kirwan and was assured that no South Africans would be involved and that the match has some sanctity as the proceeds were to go to child cancer research — not that that dissuaded some cynics from suggesting that some players may have taken their share .
30 Well , next he decided to go to Hop + Jump 's house which was a burrow in the ground .
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