Example sentences of "to go in for " in BNC.

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1 Under the aegis of James Prior , the Department of Employment was unlikely to go in for strongly anti-union policies .
2 I 'd like to go in for a bit , but there 's loads of people in there and I ai n't got no washing to do .
3 I voted for this government because they said they were n't going to go in for that sort of rubbish .
4 Firemen were called to the river Taff in Llandaff to rescue Eric , a 10-stone Irish Wolfhound who had got into deep water after deciding to go in for a swim .
5 You did n't have to go in for banging drums and shaking rattles to be a shaman ; you had simply to have suffered tremendously , been torn apart , come close to death .
6 There was a mini-rebellion about that just after the Police Strike and then they allowed policemen to go in for half an hour 's and eat breakfast .
7 In one group of eight , half chose to go in for their first farrowing ; the second time they farrowed , all eight went in .
8 If only your parents 'd had the sense to let you to go in for it . ’
9 Not many seem to go in for haute cuisine catering , but most have endless coffee available gratis , a fridge with soft drinks and beers , light snacks , and a comfortable room to sit and enjoy your refreshments while you watch others fly .
10 ‘ The players have to be prepared to put themselves into dangerous positions , to go in for a hard tackle , be brave and take the blows .
11 It was typical of Benjamin James , as it happens , to go in for such a touch of harmless sycophancy to please his friend the vicar ; he had very soon become , as we might have guessed , a respectable pillar of the Curry Rivel establishment .
12 New York drug dealers seem to go in for sophisticated marketing ploys .
13 ‘ The bright child who might possibly get nine GCSEs is going to be pushed to go in for more and more .
14 The National Lottery will be the enemy of proper planning in all areas ; it will encourage short-term thinking , and it will be the perfect excuse for the Treasury to go in for the kind of sleight-of-hand just described .
15 But the Greeks , though they enjoy buying the products of other people 's factories , are stubbornly reluctant to go in for factories themselves .
16 ‘ Well , you see , the thing is , there are very few people in our class or any group I 'm in [ O level ] that seem to go in for playing up the teachers , but I know that in some other classes there are .
17 At home he decided to go in for wholesale enclosures , encouraged his tenants to take long leases by reducing their rents , and instructed them in modern scientific methods .
18 For the exasperated livestock farmer , with fears for the future of his pig unit or broiler house , for the fruit-grower alarmed by the possibility of a poisonous spray inadvertently finding its way into the metabolism of a casual passerby , and for the cereals farmer who does not take kindly to his best malting barley being trampled down in order to create an impromptu picnic site , the simplest solution is to go in for siege tactics .
19 Was there ever a time when you had to go in for more drastic measures ?
20 Yes , it 's rather the kind of correspondence one might expect Tod Friendly to go in for : unvarying , humourless and one-way , like junk mail .
21 You ought to go in for beauty comps , he said when he was winding up his film .
22 And then , at half past eight , we used to have to get everything ready for breakfast and have it all ready ; and then we had to go in for prayers .
23 The f the thing is if he needs to go in for treatment , he 's only going to get worse if he does n't get it .
24 It 's easier for you to experiment to see how it works than for me to go in for a detailed but boring explanation .
25 One of my other SCOTTISH OFFICE contacts has asked me to go in for a sandwich lunch on Wednesday ( 25th ) , which is kind .
26 In that way , we would increase national expenditure on training and the Secretary of State would not have to go in for these dictatorial measures .
27 You need the permission of the owner to go in for a title search so you 'd have to know the owner first .
28 ‘ No , we … do n't seem to go in for … cricket .
29 I 'm actually going to go in for it in the Telegraph 's competition , so I may as well use the same team for our one if it gets going .
30 Refusing the invitation to go in for coffee , Fran hurried back to the car and drove across town , only slowing when she turned in through the gates of the college and made her way along the rutted gravel path to pull up in front of the old sandstone building next to Luke 's car .
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