Example sentences of "to go [adv prt] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 US authorities allege that Gen Noriega made millions in illegal profits by allowing drug trafficking to go on freely in Panama .
2 To go on thus is like walking up an ever-narrowing blind alley : the further you go the more difficult it is to turn about ; the more certain and greater the ultimate disaster .
3 now to go on here .
4 The silence seemed to go on interminably , before either Mr Smith or Mr Jones found it in him to mutter : ‘ I suppose we were talking a little out of turn there .
5 He tipped his seat back and zipped his jacket right up and he asked for the music to go on again , and he lay there in the dark with the music on , feeling warm in the middle of the freezing night , and he could feel himself smiling .
6 He 'll have to go on instead , yeah ? .
7 I doubt if you 've any hard facts to go on yet , so do n't make the mistake of being too hasty .
8 Is Ace ready to go on yet ? ’
9 Had the operator of the giant video screen been allowed to go on merrily replaying the more explosive moments , there could have been rioting on the terraces , where already the stewards had their work cut out .
10 ‘ Will you be all right to go on tomorrow ? ’
11 She told him to go on ahead , that she did n't want a ride .
12 He 'll want things to go on just as before , while he helps himself to a share of the takings .
13 I wanted to go on just to say , to address one other subject and that 's traffic calming , traffic calming is a very important aspect in our rural areas and indeed in our towns .
14 the meat is not allowed to go on just an ordinary pallet .
15 half G T half G T squared plus some constant times time normally your the the G will be a negative half A T squared but someone had said come up with that equation , and you 've said well what are you going to give me to go on well the acceleration 's constant .
16 After all , she had nothing to go on apart from what Terry Lewis had told her , and she knew what a liar he was .
17 ‘ I took her to a little friend 's birthday party yesterday — life when you 're almost two has to go on as near to normal as we can make it .
18 Everything had to go on as normal .
19 There was a lot , lot had it er I do n't know how they used to go on really er I know some somebody in a , a movement called Rachobites er what were the other one ?
20 ‘ If you want to go on further I 'm game .
21 We need to go on further still but before we do so a little breather for taking stock would seem appropriate .
22 I used to enjoy the singing a lot but sometimes the preachers used to go on quite a bit .
23 Now it is not expected to go on much beyond spring of next year .
24 If everyone can manage this we will all be able to go on quietly shaving our heads , lighting our candles , starving ourselves on particular days of the year — and no-one will mind or probably even notice .
25 Please remember that life has to go on abroad as well as at home .
26 That , that big job you were supposed to go on abroad never came off then with all this blooming
27 But it means Bonaparte 's got to go on now .
28 The crashing seemed to go on forever as tiny broken fragments bounced with a dainty tinkle across the brick floor .
29 Well , fleece just seems to go on forever , certainly when compared with some fibre-piles ( Helly Hensen specifically excepted ) .
30 It seemed to go on forever .
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