Example sentences of "to go [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Though passages were booked for Macnab and Margaret Joyce , who were to go first while Joyce settled their affairs in London , the tickets were never used .
2 That 's what I say , we 've go , we 've got to go first time out next week
3 No they wo n't let you go , you 'll be able to go next year with your school .
4 That 's where he 's away this weekend to her place , and then he 's going next weekend because there 's some wedding do or something er so he 's to go next weekend , he goes there , stays with her parents and then she 'll come down the weekend after that and stay at our house .
5 And anyway , I 'll have to go next door to take over from Arthur if my father does n't get back in time . ’
6 Before the new names can go in the pot , the ones that have remained in it for the two years have to come out so , after a brief introduction by the chairman of the trustees and the vicar , the three keyholders leave the room to go next door to the church where the chest is kept .
7 I called urgently to Nigel to go next door to see what was happening , as I was unsuitably dressed .
8 ‘ I 've got to go next door
9 Now who 's going to go next door to get the gas switched on ?
10 Previously he had made Scarlet 's life hell by waking every morning at cock-crow and threatening to go next door and complain : he never would have done so , since he was frightened of Constance 's mum and , indeed , of Constance and the rest of her family .
11 It was difficult for him to make contact with people these days , even old friends , and he could n't force himself to go next door and enquire about her .
12 At St Bartholomew 's Hospital , 75 beds have closed ; Parkside Health Authority has closed a 20-bed ward it had just re-opened to try to tackle waiting lists ; and proposals to close some beds at the London Hospital are expected to go next week to Tower Hamlets Health Authority , which faces a £1.3m overspend .
13 I 'm due to go next week .
14 Paul leans across the table , planting his elbow in a spill of beer , almost shouting at Mark and Babur , ‘ We have to go next week . ’
15 I 've got to go next week .
16 He was all set to go last spring , and he ran away .
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