Example sentences of "to see at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They were going to the home of opera , to listen to some Verdi , Puccini and Donizetti ; and to see at first hand the fine art and architecture that he had studied and only previously heard about or seen in books .
2 They were able to see at first hand the handling procedures and planning involved in stowing their goods safely for transport to Europe , as well as being able to sample some of the other delights that Germany is renowned for ; schnapps and Pils .
3 There may be nothing much to see at first , but you will usually be rewarded in the end .
4 All day long she had wondered how he had managed to bamboozle his way into a consultancy , but first the calm , unflappable way he had dealt with Steve and now here , with the devastated relatives , Kathleen had an opportunity to see at first hand the qualities that set him apart as a consultant .
5 Central News South has been to South America to see at first hand the lives that Oxfam hopes to improve .
6 As thousands of refugees prepare for winter , our reporter Kim Barnes has flown in with a plane-load of desperately-needed warm clothing , to see at first hand the work being done to help .
7 And as they walked around the 230 acre farm , all of it in the extended Less Favoured Areas , they were able to see at first hand why Hume Stewart-Moore and his son Michael were so successful .
8 The next find gave us the chance to see at close quarters an auk , a fine winter-plumaged guillemot .
9 Or was what he wanted no one to see at all , and had failed to disguise .
10 Her hair was plastered to her scalp , and she had to keep blinking and wiping her eyes in order to see at all .
11 I see , so so a way of seeing stars that you otherwise would not be able to see at all .
12 I could also see something I had absolutely no wish to see at all , which was Quigley 's bottom .
13 ‘ St Louis Music was one of the companies I went to see at that time , and it felt like Ampeg , especially , was home for me .
14 Suddenly , there facing you , is the person you least want to see at that moment .
15 This should make it possible to see at last what are the key influences when supply as well as demand-side elements have been included .
16 There was nothing he wanted to see at any of the nearby cinemas , he 'd be irritable company in the local pub where he was a contender in a small bar-billiards school , so there was nothing for it but to spend the time watching television with the other sinners .
17 It was situated close to the United Nations headquarters as well as being only three blocks away from the African American Institute which Mobuto had requested to see at some point during his visit .
18 It is clear to see at most training clubs that praise is in very short supply with novice and even more experienced handlers .
19 They were exactly the sort you 'd expect to see at this kind of activity : mostly middle-aged or older Americans or Germans in running shoes , with a few earnest Guardian readers thrown in for local colour .
20 Melody was the last person he wanted to see at this moment , but he reined in when she called him .
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