Example sentences of "to see in [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was an odd thing to say ( it would n't matter if the film was brilliant — it would still probably provoke mirth among non-believers ) , but then it was also an odd thing to see in a film which was presumably trying to revamp the alien invasion genre for a new age , because it was such a throwback to the cinematic aliens of the last few years .
2 When Yeats first laid eyes on Maud Gonne , in 1889 , ‘ the trembling of my life began ’ , he said , ‘ I had never thought to see in a living creature so great beauty … it belonged to famous pictures , to poetry , to some legendary past . ’
3 It is possible to see in a catalogue of this sort the origins of the very exact nomenclature found in many of Mary Leapor 's landscape descriptions ( see chapter three below ) .
4 But lasting influence depended not only on some form of regular , close contact , but equally crucially on a sense of affinity , of common inheritance and character , which allowed a grandchild to see in a grandparent a model for his or her own development .
5 But there must be the desire to see in a new way or the vision will never come .
6 As a consequence , the ambitions of the eradicationists , to see in a foreseeable time the disappearance of malaria world-wide , are most unlikely to be achieved .
7 I read Pamela Salvage 's letter ( February issue ) with interest , but her sarcastic final note , of expecting ‘ to see in a future issue a mob-capped housewife riddling a coke boiler , enveloped in clouds of ash ’ left me indignant .
8 The New York Times 's Vincent Canby wrote : ‘ There is nothing obviously glossy in Midnight Cowboy , but it contains a lot of superior laughter that has the same softening effect , ’ yet he found the central relationship was ‘ as honest and affecting as anything you 're likely to see in a movie , and more than compensates for those moments when the film seems to be exploiting its cheap , gaudy locale as might the director of a sight-seeing bus cruising through West 42nd Street and Greenwich Village ’ .
9 I WAS astonished to see in a High Street shoe shop shoes made in China , Spain , and Turkey , with only 25 per cent made in Britain .
10 One fox was caught , too far away for the riders to see in a day of little incident .
11 You will need to consult the " blue book " the Advertisers Annual , and the Creative Handbook which you should be able to see in a public library .
12 Nevertheless , it is interesting to note that the risk elements used by Fuqua are very similar to some of the elements one might expect to see in a strategic analysis of market attractiveness and competitive strengths .
13 At first sight , he was the kind of big , bull-headed Irish-American you 'd expect to see in a blue uniform directing traffic , but he had Cyprus pretty much in his pocket and was planning to retire there after he 'd put in his twenty years .
14 must comply with ES policy on standards of appearance which requires everyone , regardless of location , to present a clean and tidy appearance and , in particular , to dress in a business-like way ( in general , this should be similar to the standards you would expect to see in a bank or building society ) .
15 What sort of programmes do we want to see in the nineties and beyond ?
16 ‘ I 've denounced facts which are there for all to see in the RAI accounts , and the public prosecutors are looking into some of them .
17 On the other hand , Mrs Thatcher was wont to see in the Delors Charter the kind of creeping state socialism and patronage of the trade unions which she hoped to have dispelled in Britain itself .
18 It is the complex play between me , you , them , the film , the cinema building and the world outside that enables us , on occasion , to experience reality more completely , and as in dreams to see in the dark .
19 He was later to become suspicious of Maine 's motives , however , as he was to see in the glorification of contract a subtle justification of the legal institutions of capitalism , and he was to seen in Maine 's insistence on the primacy of the monogamous family an attempt to prove that this institution was beyond historical change .
20 I turn the other way , but it 's difficult to see in the mirror cos the corner 's been broke off .
21 The temptation for Germans now , even though the generation of which Mann was writing has largely passed away , is to see in the great breakthrough of the last few months simply a kind of vindication of Germany 's efforts to achieve hegemony in Europe , to see the first and second world wars and what is happening now as three chapters of the same story .
22 The temptation for Germans now , even though the generation of which Mann was writing has largely passed away , is to see in the great breakthrough of the last few months simply a kind of vindication of Germany 's efforts to achieve hegemony in Europe , to see the first and second world wars and what is happening now as three chapters of the same story .
23 Above : There 's a lot to see in the engine compartment , including two alternators to supply the 12v and 24v electrical systems .
24 But while you are waiting , there is plenty to see in the historic ‘ plague village ’ , such as the village stocks , the original ‘ Plague Cottage ’ and , of course , the church of St Lawrence .
25 Less than an hour later , at Bath , the strain of running the campaign as party chairman only to lose his own seat is painful to see in the face of Chris Patten , who bites his lip .
26 John Martyn 's 1732 translation of Tournefort 's Histoire des Plants qui naissent aux Environs de Paris ( 1698 , 1725 ) was dedicated to Lord Petre and Martyn remarked on his surprise to see in the noble stoves
27 Subsidiarity was designed to operate under forms of government exercising undivided power , and the pretensions and ambitions to exercise this power are already clear for all to see in the plans for European integration .
28 There was a minor scuffle between Hegarty and a Unionist councillor and before desisting , Hegarty shouted to the gallery : ‘ Whom do you want to see in the chair ? ’
29 There are many glories to see in the cathedral but if you are short of time , I would recommend four ‘ musts ’ : the Wenceslas Chapel , the Royal Oratory by Benedikt Ried , the window by Alfons Mucha and the tomb of St John Nepomuk .
30 We can only freely give ourselves to someone else when we are ‘ real persons ’ — just as Harry was beginning to see in the play .
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