Example sentences of "to see the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The overwhelmin majority of taxpayers have no wish to see the reintroduction of unfair domestic rates .
2 Those who never want to see the DOS prompt again can opt to have the Shell loaded each time the computer is turned on .
3 On Father 's Day I think what he 'd like best is to go shopping and then he 'll take me out , to Dunstable Downs to see the gliders . ’
4 It is vital that relatives are able to see the consultant , nurse or social worker on their own if we wish to .
5 Indeed , the previous reference to " all flesh " in v. 5 as being about to see the glory of Yahweh could have created an expectation that the image in v. 6 will be positive rather than negative .
6 If we want to see the glory of God ( which no man can do in all its unmediated radiance , and live , Exod. 33:20 ) then we must seek it in the person of Jesus .
7 It will be more difficult than ever to see the composer as he really was , and is .
8 Still able to see the problem , they no longer knew where to find its solution , and seemed happy in consequence to embrace their own annihilation .
9 If these records are too selfconsciously trying to please everybody , to sound like they matter to the person he is now , at least he appears to see the problem .
10 You are now able to see the problem from a higher perspective , knowing that you have created it for a reason .
11 To the extent that people are prepared to accept that there is a crisis of capitalism there is a great tendency to see the problem as comparable to a machine breaking down ; either there is not enough oil , or else a part needs to be replaced or else some bolt needs to be tightened .
12 My personal reaction may often be to see the problem originating with the attitudes , beliefs , or actions of the other person .
13 The aim , then , has been to see the problem afresh , and a first reformulation of it was offered in Chapter iii .
14 When I explain what has caused offence , they just do n't seem to see the problem . ’
15 To appreciate this was to see the problem as ultimately a problem of living , and as uniquely relevant to a recently unified and politically ascendant Germany .
16 May we have an early debate on foreign affairs and aid and on the encouragement that should be given to President Serrano , who now says that he is keen to see the problem sorted out ?
17 However , it is necessary to see the problem , not in terms of a battle between parents and Social Services Departments , but in terms of the welfare of the child , and therefore it is important to assess the new legislation as a means of safeguarding parental contact which is beneficial to the child .
18 That means looking up the tide tables to see the times of high and low water and the tidal stream list to find the maximum rates .
19 The Cabinet has as members ministers who are running major departments , wanting to see the service for which they are responsible improved , but aware that collectively their joint demands could ruin their party 's chances in the next election .
20 He would be sorry to see the service close .
21 When first God commanded Abraham to leave everything behind , he did not wait to see the order obeyed before giving the promises .
22 We noted the grim approaches ; incessant traffic noise in narrow streets ; parked vehicles hemming in the pavement ; rubbish dumps on waste land nearby ; the absence of green playing spaces on or near the school sites ; tiny playgrounds ; gaunt looking buildings ; often poor decorative conditions inside ; narrow passages ; dark rooms ; unheated and cramped cloakrooms ; unroofed outside lavatories ; tiny staff rooms ; inadequate storage space with consequent restrictions on teaching materials and therefore methods ; inadequate space for movement and P.E. ; meals in classroom ; art on desks ; music only to the discomfort of others in an echoing building ; non-soundproof partitions between classes ; lack of smaller rooms for group work ; lack of spare room for tuition of small groups ; insufficient display space ; attractive books kept unseen in cupboards for lack of space to lay them out ; no privacy for parents wishing to see the head ; sometimes the head and his secretary sharing the same room ; and , sometimes all around , the ingrained grime of generations .
23 ‘ Yes , you have , lad , get to see the head , that 's what you 've got to do . ’
24 You will need to see the Head to ask him or her for permission to meet in school and for a room to meet in .
25 I was present when one subject adviser made a visit , first to see the head , then the head of department and finally the whole department .
26 Well the head lad was a , er the head lad had to see the head lad 's er , job was to be there first in the morning and the last off the place at night .
27 It is possible to see the development of Minoan civilization encapsulated in the developments of the urban centres , and the administrative control of the whole territory 's economy was central tot hat urban development .
28 It is all too easy to see the development of France in terms of an inexorable and inevitable process of expansion from early beginnings in the Ile de France around Paris to the country we know today .
29 In the linking-up of the threads of the topic , the flexibility of the program may provide the gradual building-up of links so that the student has a chance to see the development from various angles .
30 The appointment of a slave to the office of Grand Vezir in 857/1453 , however , set the seal on the tendency to man the highest offices of the central administration , the vezirliks , with slaves ; and though it was by no means unheard of for a member of the ulema thereafter to hold a vezirlik , one begins to see the development of a separate hierarchy more or less confined to members of the ulema , the highest offices in which , known as were an end in themselves and not mere stepping-stones to high office in other areas such as the central administration .
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