Example sentences of "to see [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We like to make sense of things , to analyse– to generalise , to see ourselves as rational problem solvers .
2 Echoing the sentiments of Slam , Gypsy 's Graham Drinnon is keen to emphasise that the Limbo lot ‘ like to see ourselves as British musicians making British music , and certainly not as a Glasgow thing …
3 The sentence summarizes and interprets a setting which up to now we have seen more or less as detached onlookers : by using the language which the locals themselves might use ( " being turned up " ) , it invites us to become humanly involved , to see ourselves as insiders .
4 We would obviously like to see ourselves as the organ of a revolutionary party , however embryonic it may be . ’
5 It reminds me of the words of Robbie Burns , oh would the Gods the gift to gi us , to see ourselves as others see us .
6 Most of us want to see ourselves on the screen — although it may turn out to be an unpleasant experience ! — but we 're not usually terribly interested in watching the performance of others .
7 To see ourselves in this way is to gain a perspective rather than to advocate a policy , yet the relation of these two activities will inevitably remain in the background of our work .
8 It was from the same haunts as the tarsier that the original " Wild Man of Borneo " — the orangutan , or " man of the forest " — was to reveal himself : a creature so vulnerable , so resonant with human emotion , that we could not fail to see ourselves in him .
9 He had enough for his day-to-day needs , of course , but he would be hard-pressed to see himself through another month if he was to live in the style befitting a gentleman .
10 Furthermore , modern medical training may well encourage him to see himself as a scientist applying particular skills to solve a problem , rather than as dealing with people .
11 ‘ He seemed ’ , wrote his early biographer Anthony Sampson , ‘ to see himself as part of a fashionable play . ’
12 To be recognized for some achievement in life lifted Dad immensely ; before Eva he had begun to see himself as a failure and his life as a dismal thing .
13 In the later 1650s , for example , Oliver Cromwell came to see himself as a second Moses who , having led his people out of the Egyptian slavery of Laudianism and through the Red Sea of civil war , was now struggling to bring them towards the Promised Land .
14 As the movement and the significance of British fascism owed so much to Sir Oswald Mosley , and as he increasingly came to see himself as the political spokesman for the lost generation and the survivors of the First World War , it is the impact of that event I want to examine first .
15 Mosley came increasingly to see himself as the spokesman of the war generation , who refused to compromise his idealistic principles with the political realities of the post-war world .
16 He had the air of an aristocrat and as he turned to gaze at Blackberry from his great , brown eyes , Hazel began to see himself as a ragged wanderer , leader of a gang of vagabonds .
17 I think the reason he dresses as an Edwardian is because he wants to see himself as a dashing young stage door Johnny . ’
18 He claimed too that the Reeve is presented as indicting the Miller for a judgement he does not make , i.e. that he had criticized the Reeve for being over-ready to see himself as a priest , the agent of God 's punishment , through John 's naive readiness to see himself as a second Noah .
19 He claimed too that the Reeve is presented as indicting the Miller for a judgement he does not make , i.e. that he had criticized the Reeve for being over-ready to see himself as a priest , the agent of God 's punishment , through John 's naive readiness to see himself as a second Noah .
20 NDEs come in two forms : out-of-body floating ( where a person claims to have been able to see himself from above ) and swirling tunnels of light .
21 Likewise as I pointed out in the last chapter , in dramatic playing a boy may be required to adopt the function of an Abbot of Durham Cathedral , and in so far as he continues to see himself in that role he will continue to signal to others that that is what he is doing .
22 Some years before , he had founded in his home town of Stratford-upon-Avon a chapel in honour of St Thomas Becket and he was inclined to see himself in that tradition of defiance of the crown .
23 It 's just that this other woman to whom he comes fresh enables him to see himself in a different , more exciting and rejuvenating light .
24 Defoe , who travelled more of the roads of the country than most of his contemporaries , was inclined to see himself in the foothills of a better transport age — the equal of the fabled Roman achievement .
25 Yet Æthelred was not always militarily inactive , reluctant to see himself in a military light , or unwilling to make military preparations .
26 There was no reason at all why these councils should have been regarded as above criticism , but in the context of that period when local government was under renewed attack from Thatcherism , the publication of sectarian , ill-researched articles in the magazine that likes to see itself as a broad-based forum of progressive ideas , was nothing less than destructive .
27 THE British government tends to see itself as a bastion of common sense where European environmental policy is concerned , weighing benefits against costs which more dogmatic governments ignore .
28 In the 1930s , Mr Justice Stone declared that the United States Supreme Court ought not to see itself as the sole guardian of the constitution .
29 Good communications are encouraged by doing so , and each product line can be encouraged to see itself as a profit centre , a company within the company , making for commitment to that element of the company objectives .
30 Mrs Thatcher appeared to see herself as the embodiment of revenge upon a whole generation of social engineers .
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