Example sentences of "to see [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It 's perhaps fair to say as well that if if er er a member of the public knows that P C Smith or P C Jones is his local policeman , he would prefer to see P C Smith or P C Jones .
2 It was in fact somewhat of a surprise to see cadet editions of a few of the Hornblower novels published for readers in the early and mid-teens , since neither Forester 's open , smooth narrative style nor his approach to sex and violence could be considered exacting or improper where young readers were concerned .
3 Question mark , What that means is , four o'clock you go home , you pick the kids up from school , you take them all to MacDonalds , you all have Big Macs , yum , yum , then you go off to the pictures , and they all want to see Arnold Schwarzenegger blowing somebody 's head off , and you want to watch Bambi or whatever it is .
4 They had been to see La Boheme , at which Mr O'Hara had cried quite openly , and which Ellie had sat through dry-eyed , but with a breaking heart .
5 Daphne had indeed introduced her to Guy , only a few weeks before , when Daphne had persuaded her to make up a party to see La Boheme at Covent Garden .
6 One such occasion was Labor Day 1949 , when my parents went off on a holiday barbecue or picnic and deposited the three oldest toys — David [ eight ] , Johnny [ six ] and Alvin [ four ] — with a teenage black babysitter named Earl at the Ritz to see Li'l Abner [ the early black and white version , with Buster Keaton in a small part ] and I Married a Witch .
7 Hari turned to see Ben Jones smiling down at her , his cap in his hand .
8 I guessed he was going to see Ben Gunn , and thought the doctor was lucky to be walking in the cool shadows of the wood .
9 He was surprised to see Mrs Brocklebank and slightly more surprised to see Ben Brocklebank whom he had never absolutely believed in before , thinking him more an excuse than a man , someone Mrs B. sheltered behind when it suited her not to do something .
10 A party of Czech academics called in to see Middlesbrough Mayor Eddie Bolland yesterday .
11 At one end fast-medium bowler Hill-Wood vigorously shone the ball on his trousers , only to see Ian Peebles at the other end undo his work by rubbing the shine away in the dust .
12 Anyway … off Boy Bradshaw beetled to see Colonel Bumface … . ’
13 She was able to see Colonel Crossley-Payne 's man at once .
14 The Trustees include widely experienced people and it is good to see Jim Hunter of Skye — crofting expert , historian and author of the definitive book The Making of the Crofting Community — heading the management committee for Torrin , which also includes the energetic national director , Terry Isles of Dundee .
15 She took one last glance at the window above to see Maria Luisa with her palms flat against the window-pane , desperately , mutely pleading with Ruth for help with eyes so full of pain that Ruth 's nerves nearly snapped .
16 We want to see shit happenin' .
17 I said I was going to see o kyrios Conchis , and their surprise seemed perfectly genuine .
18 That evening , I went to see King Lear at the Old Vic , but I was unable to shake off my self-pity and I could n't for the life of me see what the old git was moaning about .
19 Back in 1980 Geoff Yeadon had told Geoff Crossley that it was his ambition to see King Pot and the East Kingsdale Master Cave , linked to West Kingsdale and Keld Head .
20 He also expressed regret at not being able to see Elaeagnus latifolia from India and Ceylon , and ‘ pretty rare in English gardens ’ , when it had flowered at Hampton Court .
21 He was taken to see General Rush Patterson , the US 7th Army 's intelligence chief who , without any fuss , took Gehlen to see General Eisenhower .
22 Shortly before his death , my father went to see General Nocenzi in hospital .
23 He was taken to see General Rush Patterson , the US 7th Army 's intelligence chief who , without any fuss , took Gehlen to see General Eisenhower .
24 Have got today ( Monday 17th ) off ( yippee ! ) but have n't done much — slightly hungover from last night , I went to see Tex Mex with Ruth & Euan & some of their friends , the food was great , & so today had a long lie in then went to a few shops … which were n't open because it 's an Edinburgh holiday …
25 He would also like to see plea bargaining introduced , although he says he would not have accepted a reduced criminal plea .
26 Depart for Ko Kah to see Wat Phra Dhat Lampang Luang housing the only Emerald Buddha besides the one in Wat Phra Keo in Bangkok .
27 We went to see Colin Wakeham to ask him on whose authority he 'd run the competiton .
28 The NATO Secretary-General , Manfred Wörner , commented that " to see defence ministers who were in a sense at the heart of the Cold War confrontation sitting in a spirit of partnership around the same table is a remarkable and moving event " .
29 ‘ I assumed it was Pinder going to see Pamela Berry . ’
30 I want to see N C V O as co-operating .
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