Example sentences of "to see [pron] all " in BNC.

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1 She 'd be real surprised to see them all sat round the table looking so happy .
2 It 's so lovely to see them all sitting there , juice running down their chins . ’
3 Ring them , or better still go to see them all , and ask if they are interested in carrying out the survey , how much they charge and when they can do it .
4 It was sad to see them all go , but a wonderful joy it is when they all come for occasional visits .
5 Professor Winston said : ‘ I 'm thrilled to see them all here .
6 There are advantages and disadvantages of each and you may need to see them all before deciding .
7 This visit , he told Alice as the train took them back to London later that evening , had been a very happy one and it was his intention to go down to Calking to see them all again very soon .
8 Lovely to see them all so happy , is n't it , Joe ? ’
9 We are about to lose four staff on maternity leave : Jackie Cromarty , Exhibitions , Sharon Doolan , Reprographics , Moira Allan , SSL and Linda Jansen , also SSL , although we hope to see them all back in due course .
10 ‘ When I bought this house and insisted she move in with me she took the path of least resistance and agreed , although even then if I 'd had the wits to see them all the signs were there that although she relished my role as provider she cared very little for me as a person . ’
11 I want to see them all do the best they can , because they deserve it .
12 They 're very pleased at that because I mean they obviously found it to be useful , erm we proved it to be useful and it 's nice to see them all taking on this responsibility now , now and doing it , because that 's all progress .
13 I like to see them all up but does n't it look bare when you take them down
14 And walk in and expect to see them all in order .
15 It 's quite funny to see them all in this group worried about these dogs .
16 ‘ It 's been lovely to see you all , even though it 's a sad errand that 's brought me ! ’
17 Of course he was at ease ; he could joke with his servants and turn away , dismissing them with a happy , ‘ Good to see you all , and very good to be home . ’
18 ‘ We saw you all go into the tunnel , and then we went across the hill to see you all come out , ’ explained Peter .
19 ‘ He wants to see you all . ’
20 It is lovely to see you all , and so many friends from their old school and college and Steven 's office ( or from Annabelle 's old school ) .
21 It 's very nice to see you all here this afternoon .
22 Keep in touch , hope to see you all sometime , if not in Africa , in Britain .
23 ‘ It is — ah — splendid and — ah — heartwarming to see you all here enjoying yourselves , and I want to say — ah — how much pleasure it gives my good wife and — ah — myself ’ ( he could never work out whether it should be ‘ I ’ or ‘ me ’ ) ‘ to be able to entertain you in our modest home .
24 I need to see you all in the hall . ’
25 Once again it is lovely to see you all .
26 ‘ Nice to see you all here , ready for another evening of gentle wit and repartee . ’
27 Reluctantly she admitted that she wanted to see him all the time .
28 Bearing this in mind and the fact that you only have a limited time to see it all , we 've put together these special tours .
29 Having worked so hard to start a business , it would be heartbreaking to see it all collapse due to some unexpected misfortune such as an accident , fire or theft .
30 ‘ You know I do n't like to see it all frizzed up like that . ’
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