Example sentences of "anything more than " in BNC.

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1 The reader of a description needs therefore to be careful about accepting as a description anything more than is actually visible on the canvas or in the sculpture .
2 And to us if we are to understand him in anything more than a superficial way .
3 However the Tube is not designed as anything more than a temporary tent so it should n't be expected to give normal tent performance .
4 Love was between a man and a woman , love was for marriage , and each would have died before admitting to anything more than they ‘ got on well ’ together .
5 But this begs the question : does ‘ pride and dignity ’ amount to anything more than the aspiration to participate in society on its own terms ?
6 Neither the National Trust , who own it , nor the County Listing Department , nor Nikolaus Pevsner can furnish one with anything more than technical descriptions .
7 Some register entries are so rudimentary that they are unable to support anything more than a basic inventory .
8 After only five days in the complex and , to almost all of us , unfamiliar environment of Lewis and Harris , our views can not be anything more than initial impressions .
9 Britain still talks of anything more than a 15 per cent cut in the CEGB 's emissions within ten years as being ‘ impracticable ’ .
10 The attitude of the church has made it difficult for governments to openly promote birth-control programs , that do anything more than advocate natural methods .
11 It is highly unlikely that he envisaged anything more than joint diplomatic pressure on Russia which would bring Nicholas to the conference table to discuss the problems at issue , which explains why he used as a pretext the totally ridiculous question of the keys to the Holy places in Jerusalem , whose custody was disputed between the Latin Catholic and Greek Orthodox churches .
12 The United States required continuing evidence of PLO acceptance of Israel and repudiation of violence as the price for diplomatic contact , but it was unclear whether it was yet willing to encourage Palestinian accommodationist tendencies by granting the PLO anything more than a hearing .
13 Very few of the stations on what was built of the Cape to Cairo railway were anything more than small wayside halts .
14 Similarly , though from a different historical perspective , Adorno and Horkheimer , confronting the massive extension and technical development of that rationality , acknowledge the possibility , and even the residue , of difference and negation in the nonsense of eccentric entertainment — a residual refusal of official meaning — but can place no faith in its capacity to survive as anything more than fun , as anything other than acceptable difference within the logic of capitalist culture and the totality of the culture industry .
15 This is unlikely to produce anything more than a slight increase in vaginal discharge which has no particular distinguishing features .
16 This book is refreshing in its simplicity , in that it does n't pretend to be anything more than what it is — a love story .
17 It may be that with a patient who is terminally ill or aged , the doctor 's obligation does not extend to anything more than the relief of pain and making the patient comfortable .
18 In the case of Santiaguito , there is little evidence that the dome is actually growing at all — one can sit and watch it for hours without seeing anything more than a few wisps of steam from the top — and it 's quite safe to scramble all over it .
19 Nothing much has changed in nearly 100 years however , and Mr. Walshaw has no plans to do anything more than careful , small scale enhancement and maintenance using traditional methods and family labour .
20 Information collected about the relatives of cancer patients showed that only a minority have anything more than superficial contact with the staff caring for the patient , and a number of these relatives would have welcomed an opportunity to share their anxiety , not only about the patient but about their own feelings ( Bond , 1982 ) .
21 But at this stage the problem for research has not been defined at anything more than a very general level .
22 The great danger of cluster sampling is that one must be able to take the clusters together as a total unit if they are to be used for anything more than just cluster comparisons .
23 These need not be anything more than the rough headings under which the detailed questions will fall .
24 These can never be anything more than very rough and ready guidelines .
25 He challenges the notion that local government is anything more than local administration , whose claim to be government is merely another reflection of the high self-regard in which officials hold themselves rather than any expression of locally based decision-making .
26 There is a tendency when first writing objectives to limit them to simple forms of behaviour , such as the reproduction of facts and the demonstration of skills ; but if we , as teachers , are to offer our students anything more than simple training , we must be able to devise objectives that describe more complex operations .
27 In general , the idea of forming anything more than a temporary joint household with one or other spouse 's parents is not seen to be a serious option .
28 But is there any real evidence that such zodiacs are anything more than the product of an overactive imagination ?
29 Indeed , if anything , they seem to have been too demoralised politically to organise effectively at anything more than a local level , and that in itself is testimony to the devastating effect of the Kulturkampf and Polenpolitik .
30 Again , it is not quite like joining a club , because you simply attend , you do not have to commit yourself to anything more than that .
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