Example sentences of "eyes [v-ing] back " in BNC.

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1 Then , in the light reflected from the snow , he saw Manescu 's dark eyes gazing back at him .
2 Was she imagining it , or were his eyes gazing back at Nicole 's like a lingering caress ?
3 The sea-blue eyes gazing back at her were coolly assessing , and it took considerable effort on her part not to look away .
4 Then she leant forward and kissed him on the mouth , brushed his lips , stroked them with hers , watched his eyes looking back at her .
5 Eyes looking back and I 'd got the old bit moving all the time keeping , he said righto get out , you 're leading me , they were too pleased to get rid of them .
6 Claudine did n't seem to know that this was a cruel dig at Jenna ; she only appeared to note the word ‘ beautiful ’ , and with that her interest faded , her eyes going back to Alain .
7 ‘ But only one redhead , ’ firmly stated the old lady , her eyes going back to Theda 's flaming crown , which she had dragged into a knot on top of her head and then allowed to fall behind .
8 When she takes him into the living-room there is a kind of roar , and a man emerges from the background of people and easy chairs , and advances upon Howard , his arms outstretched , his deep , dark eyes raking back and forth over Howard 's face , soaking it in with eager amazement .
9 She closes her eyes squeezing back the tears .
10 He regarded the men beneath him impassively , his eyes flicking back and forth as they looked up at him .
11 Donna frowned and put her foot down , coaxing more speed from the Volvo , her eyes flicking back and forth from windscreen to rear-view mirror .
12 She banished the horrible image from her mind ; the contorted face , the eyes rolling back as Irina fell after the blow to her head .
13 She jerked her arm away , rubbing the bruised flesh , her eyes spitting back at him like a cornered animal .
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