Example sentences of "looked down [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But she looked down through the glass skylight and recognised in Maggie 's cropped hair and long white body the same contours that she had seen in that other virgin warrior whom she had inspired into battle .
2 She looked down through the wards where the festive celebrations had momentarily stopped .
3 As they went up , he looked down through the skeleton of the wheel with its spindly metal bones .
4 Meg looked down through the trees .
5 ‘ I wish I were you , ’ Alexandra said , ‘ I wish I were a mouse , ’ and then , drawn inexorably , she leaned forward across the table and looked down through the closed window at her mother 's upturned face below .
6 Stunned , he looked down through smoke-bleared eyes at the shotgun in his hands .
7 He went to where he 'd seen him by the fence and looked down towards the woodpile .
8 I looked down towards the end of the straight .
9 And there were lots of pretty colours , but — ’ She now looked down towards her hands , her fingers flicking against each other , and after a moment she said , ‘ I fidgeted .
10 Charles raised his head above the line of the rock and looked down towards the hut .
11 You 'd better know now that I 've always avoided every snare set out for me , even those hidden in lush undergrowth … ’ he caressed her hair lightly , his eyes sultry , and then looked down towards the swell of her breasts ‘ … and innocent-looking hills and valleys . ’
12 On either side of him the warders looked down onto the other landings , watching for any signs of unrest amongst those below .
13 He stood at a window and looked down over the trees , where rooks were crossing sticks in a light sway of air .
14 He could hear her barking and looked down over the steep side of the embankment to the bottom of the trees .
15 A picture of Nicolae Ceauşescu looked down over these proceedings , which were graced by the presence of the Nobel Prize winner Dorothy Hodgkin , Mrs Thatcher 's former chemistry tutor at Oxford ( though she had no sympathy for ‘ that woman ’ ) who had contributed an introduction to an English translation of one of Elena 's works .
16 The small round window looked down over Knockglen , along the tree-lined drive of the convent through the big gates and down the broad main street of the town .
17 From the train we looked down over the clutter of the rooftops , things broken , things abandoned , things stored and forgotten : broken water-jugs , wheel-less bicycles , rolls of rush matting .
18 He came behind my chair and looked down over my head .
19 He looked down over Cleo 's shoulder to see what the children were doing .
20 Climbing up on to a high bastion , I looked down over the shimmering interior of the fort and thought of the words that must once have been a set text for the cavalrymen stationed here :
21 We looked down over the police barrier at the upside-down Golf below us .
22 The privy was crude , a small recess in the wall with a latrine seat , just under a tiny , open , oval-shaped window which looked down over the green .
23 I stood at the window and looked down into the street .
24 I looked down into the hole .
25 Gazzer looked down into that cat 's cradle of turning metal .
26 When she looked down into the channel with Gazzer and saw Simon , water swilling round his waist , she could hardly believe that she was responsible .
27 From the terrace of the house , grimed with soot and wind , one looked down into a grey , fogged landscape of endless slate-roofed ‘ back-to-backers ’ and soaring mills throbbing with trundling looms , glittering with acres of lighted windows ( dark in the black-out after 3.30 in the afternoon ) , and huge chimneys trailing and belching smoke endlessly into the curdled air , which loitered out over the spoiled valleys until , eventually , it was dispersed across the distant moors .
28 She looked down into his little near-sighted eyes , full of tears behind the thick lenses .
29 The visitor sat back and watched the alchemy of the coffee take shape as the slightly stale odour of boiling milk permeated the room and steamed up the windows that looked down into Sauchiehall Street .
30 Reginald remained in the middle of the room staring at the closed door for a moment ; then , his head making small jerks , he turned towards the fire and , leaning his elbow along the mantelshelf , he looked down into the dying embers .
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