Example sentences of "looked [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You were the person they looked on as an authority and father figure , a trust you clearly betrayed .
2 Hours before he died , the King wrote to the woman he looked on as a mother
3 It seemed curious to be describing such ice-cold seas while sitting in a palm-thatched Bahamian beach café that looked on to a shoreline where pelicans perched under the diamond-hard sun .
4 The child followed Aggie through the middle arch and towards a heavy , paintless oak door , then into a room dimly lit by a window that looked on to the covered way .
5 There was a window in her bedroom , but it just looked on to a tiny area and did n't let in much light .
6 It looked on to a pool , one of several small pools created by the removal of clay for the reserve 's perimeter wall .
7 As he left the house Huy glanced around the square , and along the streets that led from it ; but there was no movement at any of the few windows which looked on to the street , and the handful of people about were all familiar to him .
8 British officers watched what Spier called ‘ a mockery of christianity ’ , while the rest of the internees looked on with disgust from the members ' box on the grandstand . ’
9 Obligingly , Victoria took her children 's hands in hers and posed on the steps while the nanny stood aside and looked on with pride .
10 With Mark Wadforth at full back for Braintree and Stuart Lewis partnering Matthew Wadforth in the centre , skipper Steve Jarlett opted for the replacements ' bench and looked on with approval as Nigel Brand led the team to its second successive draw at Crow Lane .
11 Her duped parents , Noel and Sadie , looked on with pride and stood drinks all round .
12 Why is residential care looked on with special pessimism by social workers ?
13 Admired for his ability , diligence , and determination by those who knew him and looked on with affection by all who met him , the ready reference to ‘ Jock ’ was a happy recognition of his easy combination of public popularity , private modesty , and unfailing personal courtesy .
14 Charles looked on with an expression of distaste which Miles took for admiration .
15 Ratagan relieved her of one of them whilst she looked on with an eyebrow arched .
16 The Myrcans looked on with what he could have sworn was approval .
17 Stallholders and shopkeepers looked on with bemusement as he was pelted with bad fruit .
18 The final putting the ball in the onion net was a total fluke , Rush mis-hit it ( one paper said it bounced off his nose ) , and Lukic and Fairclough looked on with stunned bewilderment .
19 At this stage the RPC was still an impossibilist minority , well organized and favouring joint action with the Communist Party , but looked on with suspicion by the Communists themselves .
20 Cat looked on with sympathy , observing the tremor .
21 Hockney has repaid the debt with numerous studies of Silver , two of which looked on among the gallery 's 100 Hockneys , ranging from a teenage pencil sketch to oils done last Christmas .
22 As he began his speech , his hosts at the Mansion House dinner looked on in disbelief :
23 Philip and his friends looked on in silence and apprehension , until they saw Alexander turn back towards them at the end of the gallop , and return joyful and triumphant with his success .
24 St Johnstone , sponsored by a local whisky company ‘ The Famous Grouse ’ , and dismissed by the Dundee fans as ‘ grousebeaters ’ , looked on in delight as the big estate along the road fell on hard times .
25 Robert Wade , eight , got into difficulties in just 5ft of water as friends looked on in horror .
26 As the United faithful saluted him , with the familiar cry of ‘ Hughsie , Hughsie ’ , Cantona looked on in admiration , but must have felt a little out of place .
27 Sousan looked on in terror and scampered quickly through after her mother , anxious to be at her side .
28 As wife Annie and four-year-old son Jack looked on in horror he reversed straight over the elderly family terrier , Jacko .
29 Lifeguards dragged out kids coughing and vomiting as parents looked on in horror .
30 Manson was , and remains to this day , America 's number one bogeyman and is regularly pilloried and looked on in fascination by a world that still ca n't believe such things happened .
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