Example sentences of "looked [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Robyn got out of the car and looked through railings across the car park to a brick office block and a tall windowless building behind it , a prospect almost as depressing as the prison she had seen that morning .
2 The BEA thus increasingly looked for sites more distant from the load centres , locating them instead on the coast ( where cooling water supplies were cheap and plentiful ) or on the coalfields ( where coal would be the cheapest ) .
3 As she looked for things to furnish the house with , Signora Silvana , with her innate good taste and love of beautiful things , developed another interest — collecting antiques — and the result is the Country House Hotel .
4 The city at night intimidated me : the piss-heads , bums , derelicts and dealers shouted and looked for fights .
5 Even when applied to the novel , as in Leavis 's writings on novelists or Lodge 's own early critical book , Language of Fiction , the New Criticism looked for passages of quasi-authorial description , or the exploration of consciousnesses that seem to carry authorial support .
6 But pain often persists after all steps have been taken to relieve the cause , and practical investigators looked for drugs which gave the benefits of morphine without causing addiction or other inconvenient effects .
7 I looked for bubbles rising , hoping to find him that way , and saw not bubbles but a red stain in the water a short way off , a swirl of colour against drab .
8 American Can also looked for areas with reasonably priced rates and rent and with pleasant housing areas for staff relocating with the company .
9 He looked for signs of a faith more supernatural , less conventional , more revolutionary .
10 He also looked for signs of abnormal radioactivity in the vicinity while seeking for the source of the heat and gas but nothing significant turned up .
11 Alice thought , as she looked for signs to the Underground , I am frightened .
12 Wycliffe looked for signs of strangulation but found none .
13 He looked for signs of illness .
14 The boy carried me in my travelling box , and put me down on the beach , while he looked for birds ' eggs among the rocks .
15 The examiner specifically looked for complications known to be related to cyclosporin , including tingling and numbness in the extremities , tremor , headache , hirsutism , gingival hyperplasia , and infection .
16 They sketched their ideas and then looked for clothes to match .
17 Two US sociologists looked for connections between debt and life-expectancy in 73 countries .
18 She gave two sharp little nods , as if that finished the matter , which no doubt it did , except that I still looked for gaps in her defences .
19 We looked for squirrels red squirrel and grey squirrel — live happily side by side at Vyrnwy — but today they were deep in the forest .
20 They wanted examples and cases to show that the institutions of capitalism are historically specific and therefore changeable ; in order to demonstrate this they looked for examples of institutions which were as different from those of capitalism as possible .
21 However , in order to answer those who had argued that without private property society was impossible , Marx looked for examples of a society without private property , again an opposite society , which would therefore also be without exploitation .
22 The DHSS/SSRC initiative , which at the outset looked for explanations of deprivation within families , ended by acknowledging the importance of structural factors .
23 Every day I looked for jobs at other window companies , the job centre and in local papers .
24 Erm , they put the bit of paper in the middle with the suggestion type of thing that they were , and then they all looked for words , erm , then Ian and Deborah arranged the words on the paper to start ar , rearranging the jingle so that the words that they had , they used their resources like that , and anything else .
25 These studies , therefore , looked for links between pause patterns and the predictability of successive words .
26 We looked for years but could n't find her .
27 It was increasingly to those churches outside England , to Hughes ' seventy million , especially those in America , that English Nonconformists looked for reinforcements .
28 They deliberately looked for inconsistencies where they basically knew I 'd told them but two aspects of the truth , in the hope that I 'd blurt out the real truth about something else in my fright and confusion .
29 Even supporters such as Huxley treated it as only a secondary mechanism and looked for alternatives to supplement it .
30 Nick stayed with Marsh for four years , but as the Australian started to wind down his US operation , the baseball-glove specialist looked for pastures new .
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