Example sentences of "once more to " in BNC.

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1 Here was the Labour Party reverting to its old self , a better self , yes , than the monster it became under the demonic spell of Tony Benn ; here was a party responsive once more to its own people , the people it so shamefully betrayed at two successive general elections since 1979 , but a party — as somebody once said of the SDP - ‘ promising a better yesterday ’ .
2 After a year or two of marriage ‘ men return once more to the company of their mates ’ .
3 Whilst the enemy had probed the positions the Jocks held , it had managed also to break through once more to the north .
4 With Jack , however , things were less simple ; we come once more to Barfield 's worry that there was something affected about the younger brother 's attitudes and poses .
5 The celebrated preacher , Edward Irving ( 1792–1834 ) , who was at the height of his powers and still at peace with the Church of Scotland , had returned from London one Sabbath evening to preach once more to his own people .
6 Foreign travel allowance will , presumably , be reduced once more to £50 .
7 Even if only half these elderly people find that the withdrawal of tax relief makes private medical insurance too expensive for them and , consequently , revert once more to relying solely on the NHS for treatment , the cost to the nation of providing this care would be approximately £136 million .
8 He retired from the Army in 1948 and returned once more to his estate at Bishopton , where he devoted himself to farm improvements .
9 He paraded with Generals Howard and Miles in New York during the dedication of Grant 's Tomb , and appealed once more to be returned to his Wallowa home .
10 Let me hasten to say that in many schools , particularly in the West Riding , fine education took place , but far from it helping to increase drama in schools , it had the reverse effect for two reasons : ( 1 ) it appeared once more to be something that could only be handled by a specialist — this time a P.E .
11 Then , blushing , he addressed himself once more to what he was doing .
12 With nowhere but the limited Drigg dump near Sellafield for low-level waste , and nowhere at all for intermediate-level , the authorities turned once more to mainland Britain to find an acceptable ‘ long term ’ solution .
13 As was mentioned in Chapter 3 , the American decision to sell grain once more to the Soviet Union in 1977 wiped out the Soil Bank established in the 1970s and caused ploughing up of marginal land and a marked increase in erosion rates ( Cook 1983 ) .
14 Return once more to the Vladislav Hall , walk to the end and turn right to visit the Observation Terrace .
15 The church was built for the German Lutherans in Prague between 1611 and 1613 , after the Letter of Majesty ( 1609 ) ensured freedom of worship once more to all ( see p. 9 ) .
16 Leave the church and return once more to the W façade .
17 After a period under the Domenicans , the Poor Clares returned once more to their convent but the buildings then suffered from the fire in the Old Town in 1689 .
18 The thread eventually led him out once more to safety .
19 In the face of this combined attack , Jeremy fled , but even as he ran determined to come again as soon as things at Dotty 's had returned once more to their usual chaotic normality .
20 Nutty switched her attention once more to the deep end , where it seemed that Nails was giving Jazz a compulsory lesson in turns .
21 Although Frank obtained a first-class diploma from the College , he did not find an opening in farming and his thoughts turned once more to medicine for which his experiences at College led him to think he had an aptitude .
22 As the blood began once more to course through George 's legs , his muscles went into spasms of cramp , so that they needed to pause every few yards .
23 Showing no more emotion over the death of the man than that of the beast , she turned her attention once more to tickling Edward 's toes .
24 The other important point about body size returns us once more to some simple physics .
25 panting as she fought against the fact of death , panting as she integrated shock , panting as she realized a need to re-enter Rose 's body , to deny her own life , to dissolve back into the embryo past , the womb , to disappear , to hand herself over once more to her mother , to die too , anything to stay with her , anything but this , anything but individuality , anything but aloneness , anything but a self without a mother , anything but Rose 's death .
26 They would claim God showed such a great love for people that he even allowed Jesus to die on the cross in order that his love might persuade them to return and belong once more to him .
27 In September 1767 Leopold took his family once more to Vienna , where festivities were in preparation for the wedding of an archduchess .
28 AS HE HAD DONE after his return from Italy , Wolfgang settled down once more to life in Salzburg , mitigating the tedium of his official duties — albeit on improved terms — at the archbishop 's court with a clutch of compositions .
29 The Five Nations Championship is understandably the envy of the rest of the rugby world and what spice will be added to the coming encounters — notably when England travel once more to Murrayfield on the opening day and return to Paris in February ; when Ireland , so nearly conquerors of champions Australia , run out once more at Lansdowne Road , and Wales begin their brave attempt to rise like some Phoenix from the ashes .
30 During that hour the zeks recross the railway line and the road and return to the Zone , once more to be counted and to be searched .
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