Example sentences of "once [adv] take " in BNC.

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1 The sparrows once more take possession of the street .
2 However , on 21st January 1778 Charles Roe once more took a lease of " Mines & Veins of lead ore and copper ore whatsoever within the manor of Coniston . "
3 That was something to cheer Christmas 1945 , but not quite enough and in the new year I was back again , once more taking the No. 2 bus from Summertown to Carfax .
4 Guido smiled suddenly , once more taking Ronni by surprise — and at the same time displaying his perfect white teeth .
5 Within a very few weeks of his father 's death , Lewis found himself obliged once more to take up the routines of an Oxford term : weekly tutorials , college meetings and lectures .
6 In writing this I am acutely aware that the energy of commitment fuelled by the gravity of the situation in the Philippines has once more taken a hold of me .
7 As a result Wallace , hitting a fine length , was able to close a gap of 1–6 to 5–6 before Wright once again took firm control and seized the remaining points in one hand .
8 Drew once again took the stand , and he was once again questioned about his movements on 22 June .
9 But , perhaps most importantly , there was an end in sight and soon my mother — who nursed him heroically for most of the year , and on whom by far the heaviest load had fallen and would fall — once again took over from me .
10 It appears that human preoccupations and concerns once again took precedence over the interests of non-human animals .
11 In 1557 , however , Paul once again took action which severely tested the relationship .
12 Derek Jefferson once again took the unusual course of holding the flag for such a short putt , but it did n't put Brian Harley off .
13 His mother once again took him to the prefectural hospital , not to the university hospital .
14 Changes in the official interest rate once again took on a high political profile and this led to problems with the conduct of monetary policy .
15 The Left Book Club once again took a leading part , organizing canvassers from surrounding areas , including Cripps ' Labour stronghold in East Bristol .
16 Four years and a name change later she once again took to the road as a solo performer .
17 But at Tunis his own career was once again to take a new turn .
18 But so far from there being any question of selling Astley , he was able once again to take a full-scale London house in Eaton Square .
19 However , their opponents warn that other Asian countries are bound to protest if the Japanese navy once again takes to the high seas , whatever its reasons .
20 But hang on to your water and electricity shares for the winter , just in case economic recovery once again takes longer than the boffins say .
21 Under deep snow the wooden steps built to control erosion disappear , and the hill once again takes on its pristine quality .
22 After the successful penetration of Bouerat , he wanted to explore Benghazi harbour , once again taking some SBS men with him .
23 Several species , since body weight is no longer such a problem , have once again taken to armour .
24 Once again the world of the sands and holidays was left far behind as the Auguste Didier School of Cuisine and the committee members of the Literary Lionisers , together with such other Lionisers as could squeeze into the room allotted to them in police headquarters , were once again taken back over the events of last Saturday night .
25 At the city 's Bluecoat Concert Hall , dance has once again taken centre stage .
26 The Armada Festival will once again take to the boards , but this time with a difference .
27 … will once again take the form of open classes in the morning and a ploughman 's lunch ; followed by the business meeting in the afternoon .
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