Example sentences of "times out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 England have now won silver or bronze medals behind Russian gold five times out of five in the most recent world and Olympic team events , sufficient to establish Britain as world No. 2 chess nation .
2 He could also ride a horse , with or without a saddle , and hit a target ten times out of ten with arrows from his bow , but neither of these things seemed to count .
3 Nine times out of 10 , however improbably , he turns out to be right .
4 Since the tables were begun on the current basis 22 years ago , Clerical Medical has appeared in the ‘ top-ten ’ , in the listing , no fewer than 51 times out of a possible 66 .
5 Since the table began on the current basis 22 years ago , Clerical Medical has appeared in the top-ten no fewer than 51 times out of a possible 66 .
6 Since tables began on the current basis 22 years ago , Clerical Medical has appeared in this listing now fewer than 51 times out of 66 .
7 The shooting gallery was open to members of the public , and was the scene of a spectacular feat of arms by Horace Hunter , who hit the target ‘ in the second buttonhole of the waistcoat , five times out of every six , and when he did n't hit there , he hit him in the head ’ .
8 Every time there was a call , although 99 times out of a 100 the call was for him , he pushed the phone in my direction .
9 The credible region is that which contains the feasible region n or more times out of M ; in this case M is 100 .
10 More areas are included in the map where the user is willing to be wrong 10 times out of 100 , but far fewer in that which they are willing to run the risk of being wrong once in a hundred times ; a comparison of the 90 and 99 per cent maps will make this clear ( figs 6.5a and f ) .
11 The answer to that is that nine times out of ten you do not know what you really want , you do not know your own mind and have not made a choice .
12 Whenever you ask a question of clarification or ask for information nine times out of ten clarification or information is forthcoming .
13 Whenever you give clarification or provide information four times out of ten someone else will follow you by doing the same and three times out of ten someone else will follow you by asking for more .
14 Whenever you give clarification or provide information four times out of ten someone else will follow you by doing the same and three times out of ten someone else will follow you by asking for more .
15 This means that seven times out of ten the provision of clarification or information results in more of the same or requests for more .
16 The facts are that if you propose an idea , four times out of ten someone will take issue with it by pointing out snags and difficulties ( see Difficulty stating on page 52 ) .
17 If , on the other hand , you suggest an idea , four times out of ten someone will agree with it .
18 Eight times out of ten seeking ideas succeeds in eliciting an idea and that is a surprisingly high hit rate .
19 Nine times out of ten it is successful in provoking some ideas from the other person .
20 The actual statistics reveal that four times out of ten a suggestion is followed by an agreement and that is n't a bad hit rate .
21 Eight times out of ten this will be the effect .
22 If you ask for clarification then nine times out of ten you will get it .
23 Seven or eight times out of ten , this is the phenomenon which greets those in the deliverance ministry when they are called on for help .
24 Nine times out of ten , using this tactic , you discover that there 's nothing to worry about .
25 Even when brains are being removed from their dead owners and implanted into living people , or fiends from outer space being fought to a standstill , nine times out of ten the magic weapon is the result of dubious chemistry .
26 Nine times out of ten it will catch fire in your hands .
27 I could n't imagine Ted contemplating the nature of Eva and Dad 's taut happiness or telling of how they were always trying to pull each other 's tracksuit bottoms down and playing games like seeing who could throw a lolly-stick in a bin the most times out of ten .
28 ‘ I wanted a really good box that I could work from , or that someone could work for me — which is what happens nine times out of ten — and then run direct into the amplifier without losing any gain , without gaining any hum and without losing any of the real naturalness of the Fender Strat and the Vox amp . ’
29 ‘ Well if a guitar solo is played right it can sound absolutely great , but 99 times out of a 100 they wo n't sound great and they 're a waste of time .
30 Guitar magazines devote much of their space to equipment reviews that are , nine times out of ten , merely a plug for the manufacturer , when the magazine could be putting subscribers ' money to good use by running more informative and educational articles aimed at the musician eager for knowledge and not glossy adverts !
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