Example sentences of "himself against [art] " in BNC.

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1 Soon scotched himself against a wall ;
2 So was it reasonable for the driver to step in and use his car to defend himself against a gang armed with lumps of concrete ?
3 Simon now took his only chance to measure himself against a Formula One driver .
4 He stood in the stern balancing himself against a stay , guiding the tiller with his bare foot .
5 He supported himself against a pillar with his free hand .
6 In practising a form , the student is taught to defend himself against a series of imaginary opponents .
7 Rain left him supporting himself against a table as she fetched her shoulder bag .
8 Surely he must have realised that he was pitting himself against a concern of considerable strength .
9 Posing himself against a background , if you see what I mean .
10 Hamlet [ his father could n't afford a large cigar when he was born ] , steadied himself against a stanchion on the underside of the rig .
11 That he won a points decision against the Californian Mark Wills at Wembley will give them some reassurance that the British heavyweight champion could give a reasonable account of himself against an opponent who will not crumple easily .
12 Somewhere down there he stubbed himself against an ill-defined but hard mass of fact , and brought it up to the surface to examine it .
13 He was a little boy again , defending himself against an accusation , petulant and self-righteous but , above all , scared .
14 One of his regrets is that in four series against West Indies his record is very ordinary — one innings in which he took eight wickets , but little else of note — and he is aware that not having proved himself against the best team in the world will be held against him when reputations come to be assessed .
15 She was bearing down on him like a bull in full charge when he jumped the wide steps and with a cry of terror threw himself against the front door of the house .
16 He tensed , judging his moment , then lurched forward and hurtled across the intervening space , flattening himself against the house wall like a spider .
17 Grabbing at the Zodiac 's tow line , he held himself against the river for a moment , getting his breath back .
18 Not knowing whether to interpret or not , and trying to decide between two impossible alternatives , is a characteristic problem for the ‘ nervous ’ Mr Palomar who , ‘ to defend himself against the general neurasthenia … tries to keep his sensations under control insofar as possible ’ ( 4 ) .
19 Where it did not , how far did it allow him to assert himself against the trustee and the property he had acquired in place of the object under trust ?
20 he was locked deep in thought , his way of moving isolating , crisp , a steady manoeuvre of himself against the elements .
21 GRAHAM KELLY , the Football Association chief executive , last night defended himself against the barrage of criticism that greeted his evidence in the Gary Blissett trial .
22 This acquisition of competence can be seen as one way the worker defends himself against the control exercised over him by management .
23 While the duped adversary prepared to defend himself against the apparently raised weapon , the student 's left hand would draw the upside-down dagger from his belt and plunge it into his rival 's stomach .
24 Sighing at the thought of having to leave the warmth and comfort of the fire , he rose and lifted his coat from the hook on the kitchen door , bracing himself against the cold stormy air , and strode off into the darkness .
25 Each story contains a different claim by Jesus that set himself against the religious leaders and pointed to the new way of Christianity :
26 He braced himself against the sides of that smooth slanting chimney in almost foetal position and began to force his way upward by flexing .
27 Throughout it all , he keenly defends himself against the propaganda with which the minders assigned to foreign journalists bombard him .
28 Pressing himself against the last wagon he peered around the side for any sign of the guards .
29 He hugged himself against the sudden freezing wind then scrambled to his feet as it whipped the first drops of rain through the open door .
30 He braced himself against the now torrential downpour and grabbed the door handle with both hands , hauling the sliding door back across the opening but stopping short of banging it closed .
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