Example sentences of "himself [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Within a minute Kerly had latched himself on to a Robert Clift free hit to score his first goal .
2 Lee flung himself on to the dog .
3 He lowered himself on to the toilet seat and jumped down on to the floor .
4 Pulling off his black leather jacket and kicking off his shoes , he threw himself on to a bed .
5 Wully Gurk sidled up and squeezed himself on to the end of the seat .
6 Alex threw himself on to the floor and rolled over and over shouting , ‘ I do n't want her !
7 The rock-climber is held on a rope by clipping himself on to a harness thingy ( if you 've come to this book for technical information , boy are you going to be disappointed ) that straps round his thighs and crotch , so as a quick guide to who the climbers are in the pub , just watch for those who seem to be constantly fiddling around in their genital area .
8 Directly below him was a wooden ledge , and by twisting himself around he managed to lower himself on to it gradually .
9 Instinctively , Jack flung himself on to Steve , but he simply pushed him away .
10 He forced himself on to hands and knees , obeying like a dog , without question .
11 Larry gave up and left the room and threw himself on to an armchair in the living-room .
12 It struck her that he seemed to have tacked himself on to the others .
13 He kept twisting himself on to the side of his affected lung , but did not wake when I altered his position .
14 God-like , Niall flings himself on to his adoring audience , sinks beneath the waves and is eventually restored to the stage in time for the anti-rap encore of ‘ Where 's Me Jumper ’ .
15 That should change this year , for in the first innings of Lincolnshire 's match against Norfolk , Love put himself on to bowl his offbreaks and took 6 for 18 .
16 ‘ Milk , no sugar , ’ Graham said to Sabrina then eased himself on to the couch beside Kolchinsky .
17 Whitlock shoved Karen out of the way and had to fling himself on to the bonnet of a BMW as the Mercedes flashed past , missing him by inches .
18 Brian Elphick had been on Lambeth 's housing list for twelve years , having insinuated himself on to it when engaged to a woman he never married .
19 He heard later that a suicide had thrown himself on to the line .
20 By the time Daak managed to haul himself on to his couch , the floor was angled at forty-five degrees , and tilting faster .
21 Its tension caught the reader , there was an emotion in it , shared between him and them and it turned all his attention away from himself on to the subject matter he was speaking .
22 He lifted himself on to one elbow , looking down at her ; a finger of light from the street-lamp outside crept between the curtains , touching her face .
23 With great difficulty , he levered himself on to his feet .
24 Rostov lowered himself on to his knees and sat back on his heels .
25 There , he was able to lift himself on to his crutch again and then climb out of the stockade .
26 At any moment and with no warning he 'll throw himself on to the floor and do like a hundred push-ups .
27 He hurled himself on to his face .
28 Finally , after a comm-call to the Emissary brought Lord y'Fiprehaude himself on to the screen , to simper a confirmation , the warden grudgingly gave me clearance .
29 Before Folly could take in what was happening , Luke had crossed the room in a few strides and almost thrown himself on to the sofa .
30 Corbett threw himself on to a bench beside the wall .
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