Example sentences of "himself [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The patient keeps his hands clasped together throughout the active parts of the transfer , so that he does not throw himself off balance by reaching out to grab the carer or the arm of the chair .
2 The Director has the duty to inform himself about consumer trade practices with a view to discovering those which adversely affect consumers ' economic interests , section 2 .
3 The partner concerned will need to develop control systems to enable him to monitor progress and to satisfy himself about quality control and supervision .
4 He returned to Argentina and did menial jobs before putting himself through university in America .
5 He believes that a writer will often find himself through exposure to some other writer .
6 It can not be sold ( in the absence of slavery ) and individuals have only a limited ability to transfer non-human wealth into human wealth ( though an individual can , of course , invest in himself through education or by undertaking training courses ) .
7 doctrine , and a view was subsequently promoted that a child could not do drama until he first learnt to express himself through movement .
8 Kenrick Wynne-Jones was altogether less turbulent He understood the art of getting along with politicians , and found a power base for himself through friendship with the Labour leaders of the day from the North , such as Ted short and Lord Glenamara .
9 Houdon ( 1741–1828 ) for the directness with which he conveyed a sitter 's presence and personality without obtruding himself between subject and viewer .
10 He was said to mate with cows when strengthening himself for battle .
11 Being " directly answerable to the electorate " really means no more than that if your MP presents himself for reelection you can vote either for him or against .
12 This newly created honourary office carried with it ex officio membership of the executive committee so that , it was hoped Ayliffe 's years of experience would not be wholly lost to the Association by his decision not to offer himself for reelection as President .
13 The Director who retires by rotation is Mr F. Cox who , being eligible , offers himself for re-election .
14 The director who retires by rotation is Mr J E Smith who , being eligible , offers himself for re-election .
15 In addition , Mr H A Velasquez , who was appointed to the board since the last annual general meeting , retires in accordance with the articles of association and , being eligible , offers himself for re-election .
16 The director who retires by rotation is Mr C A Johnson who , being eligible , offers himself for re-election .
17 The director retiring by rotation is C A Johnson who being eligible offers himself for re-election .
18 Mr. B. F. Baldock and Mr. M. F. Julien retire by rotation at this year 's Annual General Meeting , and each , being eligible , will offer himself for re-election .
19 Guy tensed the instant she moved , as though bracing himself for resistance .
20 It is hard to know now whether Eden was really being serious , or merely protecting himself for posterity .
21 Blagg had tried a brief smile when Maxim flashed the torch on himself for identification , but did n't speak .
22 Simon is portrayed as a Christ figure here , willing to give himself for other 's sins .
23 He himself does nothing wrong yet he still punishes himself for other 's wrong doings .
24 He also campaigned against pollution but suffered the irony of being prosecuted himself for pollution in 1857 , which caused him to move his works to Miles Platting .
25 Against this decision the applicant sought and obtained leave to appeal to Her Majesty in Council , but since there was an issue both as to the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal to hear the appeal from Barnett J. , and as to the power of that court to grant onward leave , the applicant also applied to Barnett J. himself for leave to appeal direct .
26 Now he 's stepped into the director 's shoes himself for Juice , yet another shock story from young black America .
27 B.D. Patterson , who was appointed to the Board on 17 September 1992 , now retires in accordance with the articles of association and , being eligible , will offer himself for election .
28 Grunte braced himself for remonstrance and rebuke .
29 The effect of s80 is that if , for instance , the settlor creates a trust for himself for life and then his son for life or absolutely that in order for the trust to be an excluded property trust the settlor must not be domiciled in the United Kingdom at the time when the settlement is created and nor must he be domiciled in the United Kingdom ( and this would include deemed domiciled in the United Kingdom ) at the time of his death .
30 Not bathing for two days was no great inconvenience when he only had himself for company ; not shaving suited him fine when there was no woman to complain of beard burns .
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