Example sentences of "get [pn reflx] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Get ourselves nice and calm .
2 Well as an association , we naturally get ourselves involved with many other aspects of the university activities in that erm both the students are applicants of ours and come and talk to us about projects which they may like to see emerge , and other departments of the university , the music department etc. , sometimes find that our knowledge of the area , or certain aspects of some of the schemes that we 're operating , coincide with what they 're trying to do and it turns out to be that campuses like this are often useful places for residencies and artists will come and take up residency in a university for a period of time , and that 's often been exploited by the Association .
3 Oh there are no , you know with the gaff this time , a lot of work like during the week and that and we 've tightened up quite a bit and tried to you know , get ourselves organised .
4 Curtius Kenn was a bloody nuisance , and sooner or later someone would put a ScumStopper under his heart and get himself free drinks on the house for a month .
5 He says just put it over there he says and get yoursen another one so I picked that one up
6 Get yourself twelve songs — and have them transposed into the right key , for God 's sake .
7 what I 'm saying is with Arthur says get yourself four hundred pound go to aunty Mary 's , but you do n't want to go to aunty Mary 's do ya ? , you 'd rather her come here
8 as if it was n't enough to neglect your husband and children , you get yourself involved in vulgar brawls .
9 well we went on a course , for a week up Newcastle and of course er erm we had to be there for nine o'clock so we had to catch the bus , at the latest half past eight so you 're up at you 're up at seven and you get showered and what have you cos there 's a shower in the be bedroom get yourself all ready so you 're down by about erm half seven , quarter to eight , like so you tend to think quarter of an hour to the erm bus stop which is right outside the door of the hotel we were getting so and we use the bus rather than take the car in daily , cos it 's easier so I and er and of course I sat down and had a breakfast and I thoroughly enjo , I did n't have any cereals you know , I says well er and I had a little bit of orange orange juice , but it was this erm made up orange juice
10 And then you get yourself pregnant and they treat you like it 's a sin .
11 There , get yourself dry .
12 That 's the formula by way — way — by which you get yourself nearer to disaster .
13 Here , come indoors and get yourself warm . ’
14 If I were you I 'd schlepp down to the disco and get yourself some trade , dear , otherwise you 'll burst ! ’
15 ‘ Then take this , and go and get yourself some lunch . ’
16 Get yourself some suitable shoes — sportswear , ideally — with soles that will grip the deck in all weathers . ’
17 Get yourself some , if you want .
18 well get yourself some socks
19 You go and get yourself another cup of tea then .
20 All in to oh come on , get yourself organised book yourself in and
21 ‘ When you 've taken the tray , Cissie , I think you had better finish your flower-arranging , then get yourself ready for bed . ’
22 Therefore get yourself ready for I shall take you along with me now in my coach .
23 Get yourself ready , and we 'll see how they enjoy themselves in the Big House . ’
24 Now relax with a drink , Slick , and get yourself ready for the girls . "
25 Fool , Ellie ; come on , get yourself ready , pin a smile on your face .
26 Just get yourself ready to ride . ’
27 Go and get yourself ready for
28 Well then go and get yourself ready and you can start stripping off things like that for me .
29 Yeah and you er I ov I overslept , well I woke up at five and normally I think if I go to sleep now and I sort of get myself awake but today I must of turned over
30 Now I go up and get myself ready . "
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