Example sentences of "himself [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 He was rather proud of himself for being able to visualize and draw such a convoluted position .
2 Winser was looking disgusted with himself for being caught .
3 Carew cursed himself for being so rash .
4 He blames himself for being naive about how such centres come into being , and about how they can be run .
5 His salacious grin faltered then disappeared and he glared at her , furious with himself for being tricked so easily .
6 He was irritated with himself for being so pathetic .
7 He was annoyed at himself for being pleased by his son 's initial welcome .
8 He stepped away from the phone , angry with Scott for disturbing him but also angry with himself for being so jumpy .
9 But he hated himself for being drawn to her , however briefly , because he was personally involved …
10 There was a white line around his mouth and he was watching her with undisguised lust , as if he wanted her and hated himself for being so human .
11 But as soon as he cursed himself for being taken in last night by Isabel 's distress , two insistent memories shook his belief that it had been an act put on for his benefit : the way she had clung fiercely to his hand when they had passed the dungeons , her grip almost painfully strong , and the stricken expression on her face when he had ordered her to strip .
12 A KURDISH refugee who set fire to himself after being told his application for political asylum in Britain had failed has died , intensifying criticism of the Home Office 's handling of the Kurds ' plight , writes Mike Prestage .
13 Despite having 20 minutes to compose himself after being given advance notification of the exit poll result , the tension showed clearly on the Kinnocks ' faces as they they struggled to swallow bitter disappointment .
14 A BRITISH Airways pilot killed himself after being blamed for nearly flying a packed Boeing 747 into a hotel .
15 Drake , 43 , shot himself after being cornered .
16 Richard Armstrong , an independent investigator , told Darlington magistrates yesterday that he was told Timothy Sturdy had killed himself after being declared bankrupt .
17 And when he met and married Nessie Monaghan , he was immediately aware , like any true artist , that she had the better natural voice and he contented himself with being a better-than-ordinary pub tenor and a hit at every christening , wedding and funeral he attended .
18 Like the previous management of the Dee Hall , he prided himself upon being ‘ a good employer ’ and was generous in terms of sick pay and sympathetic and understanding towards employees with family problems .
19 Derek refused and they again threatened him that it was the only way to save his sister from being interned and himself from being charged with murder and gunrunning .
20 He hated other people 's leaving him for bed , and when he saw a hard mood ahead he often took a sleeping pill at supper to stop himself from being clamorous , though at the same time he found his terror about the end of a day daft in a creature who was surely intended by build to signify immortal fun .
21 He had tried to kill himself before being arrested .
22 Murdoch prides himself on being a journalist with the skill to edit his papers personally as and when he chooses .
23 Wright , who prides himself on being a fierce competitor , was not impressed by the manager 's outburst — but answered the criticism in the best way possible , by scoring Arsenal 's first goal and then keeping them going as Derby fought their way back into the game .
24 In his own bed in Mill Hill Rufus used a sheath or practised coitus interruptus , which he prided himself on being rather good at .
25 Until recently it has tended to be a middle-class , if not an upper-class , home where the father prides himself on being able to provide well for his family , and the mother prides herself on being a good ‘ homemaker ’ who runs the establishment with precise efficiency , giving careful consideration to the basic ( i.e. material ) needs of all the occupants .
26 Klein prided himself on being a loyal subject who had served his adopted country with honour .
27 He prided himself on being a very well esteemed member of the British community .
28 Ted puffed energetically at his , uncertain yet whether to congratulate himself on being parked up here with this very attractive young girl , or to commiserate with himself for his failure to make more than token progress .
29 The meeting at the Presbytery after Benediction had dragged on far too long , but he had caught his bus , and was congratulating himself on being out of the rain , when the conductor had bawled
30 The conductor prided himself on being the ‘ captain' of the train , a sort of superior butler with a whole range of footmen , menials , and tweenies under his command .
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