Example sentences of "himself [prep] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 He knew that she had been the owner of a house in which murder had been effected ; he knew that she had inherited this house from her uncle , Ted Mosse , an old man who was himself worth investigating .
2 One can not be surprised when , quite apart from reservations in the social worker himself about handling sexual matters , the worker has a strong sense that , if he even tries , his particular behind may mark the end of a long chain of kicks !
3 John Ashenden , seated alone in the front nearside seat , debated with himself about reaching for the microphone and saying a few words about Somerville College , the Radcliffe Infirmary , the Tower of the Winds , the large , late nineteenth-century redbrick residences , St Edward 's School …
4 But that was as far as you could go and often he became in a rather dubious position himself through doing that sort of thing .
5 While he waited for the bath to fill he went through the whole scene again in his head and congratulated himself for staying so calm .
6 He found he was angry with himself for leaving his seat ; he had badly wanted to hear what his father was about to say , but the all-too-familiar sound of him praising his brother had produced its usual feeling of agitation .
7 This is one of the earliest references we have in Milton to his own dedication to the task of preparing himself for leaving something to aftertimes that it would not willingly let die .
8 And hated himself for depending on it .
9 A physician , Naumann , was sent along with a farrier to see what went on at Alfort ; Sick , a surgeon , again with a farrier , was sent to Vienna , and an apothecary , Ratzburg , was sent to Leipzig to fit himself for teaching botany and chemistry .
10 Rage at her , at himself for wanting her , at a war that had turned her into his enemy .
11 He was surprised at himself for looking forward to her arrival and the hard , punishing exercises ; for feeling anxious , if her coming was delayed ; for hoping she would linger a minute afterwards and talk about the weather or some unusual flurry on the corridor .
12 Then chided himself for getting so excited about one woman , after all the women he had known .
13 He blamed himself for crediting her with a maturity she did not possess , and regretted that his attempts to assist her studies had been so tragically misinterpreted by her .
14 Jack for one never forgave himself for encouraging the venture in the first place .
15 Aha , Albert thought — spying on me ; and then sat on himself for thinking anything so paranoid .
16 Atherton batted beautifully for 42 but then left kicking himself for slamming a wide ball from Reiffel straight to cover off the back foot .
17 The coroner suddenly felt rather giddy and quietly cursed himself for drinking so much .
18 He went bounding up the stairs , three or four at a time , praying to himself the room had n't been taken over by some amorous couple while he 'd been away , cursing himself for doubting her .
19 Before I could reply he took himself up quickly , as if angry with himself for asking .
20 Rincewind wondered if it was poisonous , then chided himself for asking such a silly question .
21 He did n't know why he had come , hated himself for coming , but had by now tormented himself into a state of mind where he was deliberately looking for fresh spasms of anguish .
22 ‘ How are you ? ’ he asked , and was annoyed with himself for sounding so effusive .
23 Cursing himself for sounding so patronizing , Harry felt a wave of pity wash over him .
24 Before giving his information on the Czech team 's tactics , he hedges twice ( I realize it 's none of my business ' and " … you may think I " m an absolute ass , but … " ) , apologising in advance for giving them potentially faulty advice and for threatening their negative face , while at the same time criticising ( in Leechian terms , " maximising the dispraise of " ) himself for doing so ( p. 59 ) .
25 The old man silently cursed himself for blurting out his intentions just now … about how he would leave nothing to David , yet everything he had to his own undeserving son .
26 Philip was sick with himself for letting him go .
27 He blamed himself for letting Jess persuade him into running off .
28 He still showed little emotional reaction though he was evidently angry with himself for letting his natural arrogance be so easily quashed .
29 Preston was astonished at himself for letting it happen , but when he 'd first suggested wearing a condom Emily had said , ‘ You do n't have to , ’ and told him the story about her abortion , and he 'd felt too sorry for her , and too embarrassed , to insist on doing so for health reasons .
30 He sounded annoyed at himself for letting that slip and Ages wondered how much was genuine : the codename the slip the annoyance .
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