Example sentences of "himself [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It 's fair to say , however , that he put himself about rather more in the red and white of Sunderland than he did on Tuesday in the orange of the Liberal Democrats .
2 I did n't think even that would be very interesting , but I liked the idea of old Peter having to bend himself for once . ’
3 ‘ And I loved the ending , ’ she added quickly , turning back to face them with her familiar , brilliant smile in place , ‘ with the hero playing himself for once in a crowd of clowns , as though he could only be real in an unreal world and vice versa … .
4 No longer would he pound around the obstacle course set out by Newton and himself : there was a life he could live which took its time , strolled through weeks as if they were single mornings , allowed the world to come to him instead of himself for ever launching himself on it as if in unarmed combat .
5 When the Secretary of State was enjoying himself for about 10 minutes claiming that a large number of us supported CND , he offered some rays of hope and sunshine that I had not seen for some months .
6 Clough has waited a long time for a decent run to establish himself after more than two years as squad makeweight .
7 His new habit of sleeping on and on to rid himself of as much time as possible and then of staying up drinking alone until very late only left him with none of his natural good time and hour upon hour of his bad .
8 And the sparrow preened himself of yesterday 's promise
9 This all sounds like dashing stuff , but if his sheer audacity had not carried the day , he would have been unable to defend himself against so many .
10 But , avidly staring , he persuaded himself into both the disappointment and the relief of recognizing that the girl possessed the kind of grace or innate innocence which made it very unlikely — no , impossible ! filthily impossible ! — that her young breasts and thighs were commodities available for temporary hire .
11 What a world he 's got himself into now !
12 I felt that she may have either directly or indirectly encouraged him to make this decision for several reasons : she was suffering ; she knew that he was n't going to leave the hospital and she accepted that ; and she did n't like seeing him talk himself into more suffering for him and for her ; and I do n't think there 's any question that in some sense she must have gotten this across to him that he ought to give up much more than anyone else .
13 The truce gave Edward a useful breathing space in which to organize a much more substantial force , and in July 1335 a two-pronged invasion of Scotland began , led from Carlisle by the king himself with over 13,000 men and from Berwick by Edward Balliol .
14 Mr Ashdown yesterday sought to provide himself with even more leeway in a hung parliament by outlining circumstances in which he would not feel bound to vote against a Queen 's Speech which did not contain PR .
15 On thirty seven minutes though , Paul Biddle should have made it two nil as he found himself with just the Fairmile goalkeeper to beat , but stupidly played it wide for Brian Marland , but his final pass was poor and Fairmile 's Kevin Shepherd was able to clear the ball from the danger area .
16 Entering again , after ‘ The Hollow Men ’ , his valley of the dry bones , Eliot dismembered himself with scarcely less thoroughness in the new Christian poetry of Part II of Ash-Wednesday , published in 1927 .
17 However , when he felt psychoanalysis to be threatened by others , such as Jung and Tausk , he surrounded himself with less questioning people than these .
18 He saw himself with almost missionary zeal as a recorder of his surroundings , so as to preserve a record of the remnants of antiquated rusticity which he remembered .
19 Furthermore , Henry was not content with investing himself with merely an administrative and political imperium , but also claimed a spiritual supremacy , arguing that the monarch was the vicar of God .
20 No one any longer recalls where this unusual dish had its origins ; indeed some people have been unkind enough to suggest that it was but recently invented by Mr Rory McGurk at the Dehydrated Rambler , on finding himself with too much ageing shepherd 's pie left on his hands .
21 My book shows that Modigliani was not that gloomy pessimist of morbid temperament who ‘ destroyed himself with as much care as he put into constructing his talent ’ , but that he never doubted his worth nor the imminence of success .
22 As a consequence , he may find himself with as many as forty eggs in his charge .
23 In fact , he seems to have contented himself with only forty new suits per annum and an unlimited supply of underwear and shirts .
24 Nevertheless this is a more mature Hamish , who contents himself with only an occasional swipe at Ways , and gets on with enjoying his explorations , post Munro and Corbett .
25 Old mouth McEnroe , who ca n't stop himself from foully abusing anyone in authority with whom he disagrees .
26 NDEs come in two forms : out-of-body floating ( where a person claims to have been able to see himself from above ) and swirling tunnels of light .
27 It 's every man for himself from now on in ! ’
28 It is that he is criminally insane — unable to stop himself from sexually abusing women he has lured with his position or his charm , and sometimes overpowered with drugs .
29 We looked up to see the safety diver frantically untangling himself from suddenly treacherous lines before being bumped by this moving mountain .
30 Max plugs himself in again .
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