Example sentences of "himself [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One psychiatrist told the court that after teartment Gore would have to prove himself normal for years before anyone would recommend his release .
2 Taylor 's slip catching had suddenly become a worry , though he recovered his poise with a good take late in the match , no longer rigid as he threw himself low to his right .
3 A drink was pressed into his hand , a chair held back and he found himself seated opposite Cornelius by the window , for all the world like some sixth-former seeking advice on whether to go for Oxbridge or the Guards .
4 An eminent psychologist has remarked that a man in a mood is almost as if in the grip of a small psychosis , and can find himself helpless in the face of it , unless he has trained himself not to identify with it too strongly .
5 Depressive symptoms are interpreted as abnormal ‘ care-eliciting behaviour ’ — behaviour intended to bring important others closer when a person perceives himself deficient in the receipt of care .
6 Jules had tactfully made himself scarce on the pretext of work to be done at the new salon and now , two days after his visit to Maythorpe House , Harry was at last able to unburden himself .
7 It was Marriott who suggested that Stirling should make himself scarce for a while and recommended him to Brigadier Denys Reid .
8 Benjamin was clearly an ambitious and careful man , neither dissolute nor spendthrift , and was probably very conservative in every way ; he had made himself respectable in Victorian terms , generating enough of a cash surplus by a lifetime of hard work and good fortune to build up that stock of 3 per cent Bank Annuities and accumulate a healthy balance with the London Provident Savings Bank .
9 In utter darkness , breathing rank air and deafened by the breakers outside , he kept himself alive by groping around for newly hatched swiftlet nestlings and the grubs which thrive in the dung on the cave floor .
10 One young man , unable to tolerate the thought , burned himself alive in a public square .
11 The soldierly figure , who , confident and elegant in light tweeds , now walked through it was that genuine article for which Canon Wheeler mistakenly thought himself possible to be taken .
12 Though Cash is a former champion , he is no longer willing to commit himself full-time to the game .
13 Mike , born in 1938 , did his national service in the RAF ; after early retirement from a teaching career he devotes himself full-time to his lifelong interest in the organisational and OOB aspects of almost all periods of military and naval history , and offers a paid service to researchers in his field of interest .
14 Uneasy Landscapes , at the age of 47 , after a successful business career , Eddie Dayan turned to his passion of 25 years and has devoted himself full-time to photography .
15 Cierva was himself dissatisfied with the required forward run of the aircraft , he wanted vertical lift at take-off .
16 In the process , according to Belgrade press reports , Arkan made himself rich on looted gold , cars and electronics equipment .
17 The very latest Cairo tittle-tattle is that President Hosni Mubarak ( who has a reputation for honesty ) has made himself rich by taking a cut from every barrel of oil exported .
18 Sure , he will have the immediate option to make himself rich by fighting Frank Bruno , though that in itself would diminish the status of the belt .
19 He could cut himself free on the coral .
20 The dog was leaping about now , trying to wrench himself free of Lee .
21 Trent shook himself free of the hands that held him and turned his back on the man .
22 But someone clutched desperately at his hand , dragging it down , tugging it with astonishing strength and speed away to the side , while Lachlan twisted himself free of Hector 's grip and ducked away .
23 I ran to see if I could help the traveller , who was swearing furiously as he pulled himself free of his horse .
24 When Aubrey had accepted one of their many invitations to come on a lengthy visit , it did cross Harry 's mind that his resemblance to his sister might bring back painful memories , but although Aubrey had now been here over a week , he , Harry , had felt no desire to wish himself free of his engagement .
25 He shook himself free of the hood and pulled the shawl off his head , his face burning in humiliation .
26 Once they 'd come out of the house , he 'd shaken himself free of the women and had now adopted a surly silence .
27 He could hardly ease himself free from the great stinking weight .
28 Ian shook himself free from his bunk , pulled on his flannels and swung himself up the companionway and on to the deck .
29 Mowbray suddenly shook himself free from his memories .
30 He shook himself free from his reverie and looked around the chamber .
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