Example sentences of "himself [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now , with his head pointing upwards , he found himself gazing at the ridge , as over the sky-line came the silent , moving , red-tinged cumuli .
2 Wycliffe found himself gazing at the white hairs which sprouted from her upper lip and looked quickly away .
3 Rufus , who had n't much appreciation of nature usually , nevertheless found himself gazing in something like wonderment at all the roses , yellow and pink and apricot and dark red , a hedge of white ones , a cascade of peach-red that covered a pergola .
4 Not so the antihero himself paralysed by the disease of hyperconsciousness in abstract Petersburg .
5 But I recall Lord Darlington opening the discussions by formally welcoming the guests , before going on to outline the strong moral case for a relaxing of various aspects of the Versailles treaty , emphasizing the great suffering he had himself witnessed in Germany .
6 She had , however , through the months of work , taken a real interest in what he was doing , and he found himself confiding in her more and more .
7 Raised in extreme poverty he taught himself to paint in the style of Durer , Bosch , Leonardo and other Old Masters .
8 Gandhi himself refers to Rāma as the all powerful essence whose name is inscribed in the heart .
9 Offe himself refers to the exhaustion of the potential of the labour movement and explicitly endorses Gorz 's ( 1982 ) Farewell to the Working Class .
10 On a number of occasions in the novel , the narrator Marcel himself refers to the intellect as a kind of lattice-work , with which we try to capture reality , but through which reality flows and escapes us .
11 This one was the grandfather of Robert Louis Stevenson , who was himself intended to be a lighthouse engineer like his grandfather , his father and his uncle , until circumstances made him an author instead . )
12 It is highly unlikely that he himself travelled to Muscovy and Guinea , as a later epitaph alleged ( though he had an elephant 's head displayed as a curiosity in his house ) , but he was certainly one of the richest and most prominent of overseas merchants in early Tudor London .
13 William himself rode into Dublin on Sunday 6 July , and , wearing the crown of Ireland on his head , attended a thanksgiving service in Christ Church cathedral .
14 Stepan Verkhovensky has only himself to elope with , and it remains an open question whether he will go on enduring the indignities of his hanger-on position , or cut and run , somehow , somewhere .
15 The Heffernan intervention occurred back in ‘ 86 when the then 22-year-old McGilligan found himself plucked from virtual obscurity and thrust into the international limelight — yes , international !
16 As I have already remarked , the king himself intervened in 1620 to try to eliminate female transvestism .
17 20–3–1877 Duncan McLugash , Elder , confessed " that having been led to use a little whisky for relieving asthmatic tightening of the chest , he regrets that he incautiously allowed himself to go to excess , whereby he was overcome by it . "
18 When he excused himself to go to the bathroom Simone turned to her , her dark eyes shining .
19 Rex found himself crashing to the ground .
20 Ackerley himself marches at the head of this file of memorialists .
21 Reference Recordings of San Francisco are to be congratulated on persuading the composer himself to conduct for a stunningly recorded disc that fills so many shocking gaps in the catalogue .
22 He possessed a little book of private prayers , with an image of himself kneeling before Christ on the cross captioned with a prayer that Christ " absolve my wounds for me " — a reference to sins which also likened the king 's sufferings to Christ 's .
23 The great man himself sits at an aircraft-carrier of a desk across the room from the entrance .
24 Bogle himself sits at the desk by the door and takes the money .
25 Another member of the quintet , one Lyamshin , a post-office clerk , gets himself asked to parties where ‘ he would give imitations of a pig , a thunder storm , a confinement , with the first cry of the baby , etc. , etc. ; that was what he was invited for ’ ; and later we hear of him ‘ mimicking , when requested , various types of jews , a deaf peasant woman making her confession , or the birth of a child … ’ .
26 A very young man has shot himself and ‘ we ’ ride off in an inquisitive Gadarene ‘ cavalcade ’ ( ‘ our ladies had never seen a suicide ’ ) to view the corpse ; ‘ everything 's so boring ’ — recall Marya Lebyadkin 's words — ‘ one ca n't afford to be squeamish about one 's amusements so long as they are fun ’ ; and Lyamshin , the man who gets himself asked to parties to mimic women in labour , new-born babies , and peasants in the confessional , steals a bunch of grapes from the room of death .
27 There is n't that degree of distance which the minister himself asked for er in the committee er on which we both sat er in er nineteen eighty nine .
28 As Mr Hart himself asked in a letter to The Times : ‘ In the face of so pellucid a Parliamentary intention , how was it that the Revenue not only thought it worth while to try it on , but actually found two courts to agree with it ? ’
29 He had only gone a short distance , when he found himself stepping into a small moonlit clearing , some twenty yards across .
30 He 's managed to get himself sacked from the Shakespeare School of English .
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