Example sentences of "mean for example " in BNC.

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1 Coming in at all , so that 's , that is n't easy , but it , eh were it works it 's really good I mean for example we , we d o up the Poll Tax enforcement policy , erm and again it was where the Cou I mean if the Council had followed the legislation on Poll Tax collection , it 's you know , erm and it did n't want to do that , and so again well , it 's , well it 's related to this legislation bit , but we looked at , we looked at how we could get round that legal procedure and we looked at developing a more sensitive policy and we had to do that with other departments .
2 Er sanctifying grace natural grace , you know now they 're it 's all , it 's all help from God but clever thinkers have decided to split them up into various things , just like the way I mean for example er there 's so many different things made from oil , you know er like erm turpentine er petrol , diesel .
3 I mean for example hospitals and nursing homes , we have a purely tenuous control over , whereas we have a very rigid control over a signal box on a railway .
4 I mean for example if they walked in the room right now I 'm sure you 'd introduce me so I 'm really saying is look can you give me a telephone number , I 'll give them a chat and in fact , by the way , if you do see him within the next couple of days or so please give him a shout , let me know that you 've been quite excited about some of the ideas that I 've shown you this evening , I wan na do the same thing for him , you know , nothing gained nothing ventured nothing lost .
5 propel it along and make it a little bit different to the book erm with some of the other things , I mean for example if you erm get stuff off , I do n't know , for example people like Ian erm
6 erm so I mean for example with something like statistics that covers different techniques and activities from , you know , different books erm something like erm something like social most of it comes out of that which is a thing we did because people were experiencing difficulty with it so we thought well right we 'll , we 'll , we 'll sort of anchor the syllabus mostly to , you know , one particular book erm so different , different staff use different techniques , some people ha have drawn on a whole variety of things and , and , and some people have just drawn on one erm I think the main priority is to try and do some coursework though in your case erm
7 Erm I mean kids can do , of a similar age , can do enormously abusive things to each-other in which case it 's often thought of as things like bulling or erm or or something like that y'know I mean for example I know somebody who attende was educated at Rugby and you know he was he was buggered silly by the other boys who also wired him up to the mains and stuck billiard cues up his bum and all sort of things .
8 Well , I think it 's not erm a superstructure that 's been put there , because , I mean for example when you get a particular idea , there are often other questions you can ask to check whether it 's really present , to see whether the thing is alluded to at the appropriate point later in the plot and that sort of thing , and erm again and again you find that it is , that the thing you half suspected is mentioned by a character later .
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