Example sentences of "least [num] year " in BNC.

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1 Yet this continuing service predates the better known crisis team at Napsbury Hospital , St Albans , by at least eight years .
2 Otherwise , the fact that nothing can travel faster than light means that the round trip to the nearest star would take at least eight years .
3 Sponsorship forms will then be sent which should be signed by a sponsor who has been present in the Royal Enclosure for at least eight years .
4 Does he not also accept that much of his programme was going to come about in any event , that he has deliberately delayed the urban programme announcement , that six of our valleys are still not designated areas under the Act and that a proper revitalisation of the valleys would require massive and genuinely new investment spread over at least eight years , not advertising hype spread over three ?
5 He had not visited the Southern Capital , Huy felt sure , for at least eight years , and possibly longer , following the removal of the court to the new City of the Horizon downriver .
6 The Labour party won control of Derbyshire with a substantial majority in 1981 and the inspector of constabulary says that there have been at least eight years of progressive underfunding by the police committee — 1.8 per cent .
7 Colitis for at least eight years is considered to be long standing .
8 This volcanic cone , dormant for at least 3000 years , provides the prized yellow rock from which the moais were carved .
9 ‘ Fuck ’ has been around for at least 500 years ( it was listed synonymously with ‘ sard ’ , ‘ swive ’ and ‘ occupy ’ in John Florio 's Worlde of Words in 1598 ) , but the supplement to the Oxford English Dictionary protests that its etymology is unknown .
10 The sovereign powers of the 50 individual states of the Union have declined continuously for at least 120 years and are severely circumscribed or non-existent in many of the major areas of public policy .
11 The sovereign powers of the individual states of the Union ( now numbering 50 ) have declined continuously for at least 120 years and are severely circumscribed or non-existent in many of the major areas of public policy .
12 ‘ THIS drama about the decline of our coal mines has been running for at least 75 years .
13 The maker of one of the world 's most exclusive cars is offering its customers a guarantee that their purchase will last at least seventy-five years .
14 Around a century ago , the mill housed three sets of stones ; there is now a single pair of French Burrs , of at least 70 years of age and probably much older .
15 She was only twenty-two , so had at least fifty years of boring other people before her .
16 His skin was dirty in places and wrinkled and Endill thought he must be at least fifty years old .
17 Officially , the reason given was that it now seemed more sensible to store the highly active waste above ground for at least fifty years before disposing of it , probably in the form of glass blocks , and meanwhile allowing more of its intense heat to dissipate .
18 I mentioned this to a Fetlar man who used to hunt otters for their pelts , as many crofters did and he could tell me that there had been pale-coated otters in that area for at least fifty years .
19 My husband , who is pure Japanese , can trace his family back at least 800 years .
20 It became subsequently a very celebrated and gallant defeat indeed , as the subject-matter of the great Anglo-Norman epic of the Chanson de Roland , composed at least 300 years after the event .
21 The last group is the least known : the trees grow very slowly , live at least 300 years and produce dark , heavy , close-grained wood , much of which is unusable .
22 er it goes back at least 300 years er possibly longer than that , it may be that when they finish the tar they had services up there to celebrate it or to remember one of the benefactors .
23 There are also buses at least 30 years old still being run , so it is likely to be decades before the fleet is replaced .
24 Scientists have been warning for at least 30 years that humankind 's pollution of the atmosphere was about to have serious effect .
25 The resulting Royal Train fleet will have a service life of at least 30 years ’ .
26 I have been using pastels for at least 30 years and in all that time I have never once seen a warning to this effect in either art books or on the many boxes of pastels that I have purchased .
27 Further to the letter from T. Jenkins in the February issue , I would like to point out that the AAA has had minimum ages for road races for at least 30 years .
28 The concept has been around for at least 30 years ; the American Hospital Supply Corporation was receiving electronic purchase orders from the hospitals it supplied in the early 1960s .
29 I have been using pasters for at least 30 years and in all that time I have never once seen a warning to this effect in either art books or on the many boxes of pastels that I have purchased .
30 And it will mark society 's rejection of the morally indefensible promotion of addiction to what for at least 30 years has been recognised as a most dangerous drug .
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