Example sentences of "before we go " in BNC.

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1 It must be pointed out before we go any further that my friends in Harwich had a rather distorted picture of my life in that they only ever saw the best of me .
2 ‘ Nonsense , ’ Veronica replied , ‘ we can give the place a good airing before we go . ’
3 ‘ With this engine , we rev it to 2,200rpm before we go into the row and it then drops by just 100revs . ’
4 However , before we go any further with this rather depressing picture it is important to underline that we are not of course talking about all people over retirement age in some blanket category of dwindling power .
5 Before we go into the issues there , I notice that you appear to favour the dry-roasted peanuts as opposed to the more conventional variety of salted peanuts .
6 ‘ Can we have some fish and chips before we go home ?
7 ‘ Come on , ’ he said , ‘ we might as well call at the cab-rank , before we go to the mortuary .
8 But even this apparently simple principle requires some clarification before we go further .
9 We got ta get this show right before we go into New York .
10 Before we go any further , try this exercise :
11 Before we go any further , it is important to point out here that it would be far too ambitious ( and potentially risky ) for the lay person and , indeed , the average aromatherapist , to attempt treating serious disorders with essential oils .
12 Before we go any further , the idea of the unity of all things , whether living or non-living is embraced by the relatively new science of quantum physics .
13 Before we go any further we need to define what we mean by stress .
14 Before we go on to consider these studies of local politics , think about other major economic and social changes that have taken place within Britain since the mid-1970s — such as deindustrialization , or the large increase in home ownership .
15 A friendly wave , before we go , to a most amusing Robert Austin as the earthy , peevish servant , who busts out , at the self-dramatising Laurel , ‘ I was found in a field .
16 Before we go back , my lord , might I put something to you , and to Ser Rizzo ? ’
17 The bass line is the one that is saying , ‘ Major third before we go to E , ’ but the melody stays out of it .
18 Before we go our separate ways , Bernard opens up his case and pulls out his Les Paul for one last time today .
19 Before we go too deeply into the treatment of illness with homoeopathy , it is useful to consider in some detail the nature of health and disease , and what is likely to have happened when an individual becomes ill .
20 Before we go , may I have a dekko inside the shelter .
21 But before we go we must understand the full import of what we have seen .
22 Now , give me a whiskey before we go to bed .
23 ‘ Can I … you know , can I have a few minutes before we go ? ,
24 I 'll tell you when to fire up again just before we go up the bank . ’
25 We 're tiny and it 's a big world and we never stop to learn enough about where we are before we go somewhere else .
26 She looked Ludovico in the eyes and said , ‘ I must , Ludovico — I absolutely must — speak to my aunt before we go back to the flat . ’
27 Bill : There 's something I 'd like to mention before we go too far away from the halcyon days of the gay movement .
28 I 'll just mention one more band before we go to buttonholes .
29 Before we go on to explore these pattern types , it is worth giving a thought to the reason why I have concentrated only on slip , knit and tuck stitch types so far .
30 But before we go , he wants us to see the video of his new record .
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