Example sentences of "able to make [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There were so many children that each one of the mothers and nursemaids thought that he must belong to somebody else , but as he was about the same size as the children and not much different to look at , he was able to make friends with some of them .
2 I wanted to give back something for the great interest and happiness I have had from being able to make music to people .
3 If it were not for Section 8 of the Contempt of Court Act , we might be able to make reforms more rationally on the basis of , at least , a minimal sample of the recorded deliberations of informed and unidentified jurors .
4 Gradually my eyes got used to the glare and I was able to make sense of my surroundings .
5 The problem with any general behaviouristic account of knowledge is that it is impossible to make sense of any behavioural description without being able to make sense independently of statements about how the world is .
6 For some the spur may be that it would be more useful to be able to read the health and safety rules of the factory in which they work , or to be able to make sense of the words in the mail order catalogue in which they are required to shop .
7 Children should be able to make sense of how messages are conveyed in a variety of forms and contexts : in the heritage of literature written in English , but also in the mass media , in film and television , and in the newer technologies .
8 Why , he asks God , has he never sent him a friend who would have been able to make sense of his inner experience and translate the ‘ music ’ he has heard in his soul into intelligible sound ?
9 Piaget 's name for this important first stage in the child 's long struggle to make sense of her environment was the sensori-motor stage , since at this time the child is seen as only being able to make sense of what is happening around her in terms of establishing relatively simple relations between her motor actions and the associated sensations .
10 Notwithstanding Dicey 's curt rejection of the vulgar Whig idea of the ancient constitution , I believe that it is through the influence of this tradition on Dicey that we are able to make sense of his thought .
11 Happily , such problems are not insoluble and it is towards a stage where we are able to make sense out of sometimes enigmatic statements by fans that a discovery procedure is directed .
12 We hope that we shall be able to make sense prevail .
13 If intermediate drafts , the electronic versions of penciled comments , notes , erasures , signatures , and so on , are not preserved , will they be able to make sense of bureaucratic processes ?
14 Jon Stokes is confident that he will be able to make management recommendations , and we hope this part of our natural heritage will continue to flower in the Forest .
15 So I was able to make excursions throughout the state , which is about the size of Hampshire , admiring its astonishing number of traditional country houses , and enjoying the company of many of their owners .
16 To be sure of providing physicists with details of the world beyond the standard model , the SSC 's designers decided it had to be able to make particles with masses of one trillion electron volts ( 1TeV ) .
17 An importer might be able to make payment in his own domestic currency if this is acceptable to the exporter .
18 What comes to mind erm is that in the last erm fifteen years or so erm we 've been able to make magnets using superconducting wire , and these magnets erm involve very very large magnetic fields , much larger than one could ever get using a , a copper-wound magnets which were the , way when you did things previously and erm there are an enormous number of applications .
19 He was closely associated with the community at Findhorn , in Scotland , where Dorothy Maclean and , subsequently , several others , were able to make contact with the ‘ devas ’ — higher level beings embodying the essence of a particular species or , in particular cases , of a place .
20 We were able to make contact with Christians from several of the churches and to offer them the possibility of ordering books in their own language via the Christian Literature Crusade in the appropriate countries .
21 It is very natural for you to miss each other , and it is important for you to know where they are and to be able to make contact with them whenever you want to .
22 He had done all he could , but the boy was gone — could n't say he blamed him — and if the Irish Republican Brotherhood were sheltering him , then there was no way he was going to be able to make contact with him .
23 He was in Long Lartin prison when he wrote to me , but by the time that I was able to make contact with him , he had been transferred to Winson Green prison .
24 In retrospect , what I found fascinating at the time ( and this feeling has only increased with time and further thought ) was that all the crew just did what I would have told them had I been able to make contact with them .
25 Some still do n't know what have happened to their menfolk , but one was able to make contact by telephone with her husband after six months .
26 Many were quite mobile , with suits of scales , and were probably able to make sallies into the waters well above the sea floor .
27 The palladium seemed to be helping the hydrogen to fuse but not fast enough , so if he could improve this , he might be able to make helium in amounts that would be industrially useful .
28 Paneth and Peters would never have been able to make helium from hydrogen as they were missing the neutrons ; replace the hydrogen with deuterium and you may have a chance of success .
29 ‘ I believe players should be able to make money for making a speech or opening a supermarket .
30 ‘ Perhaps an astronaut who fell into a black hole would be able to make money at roulette by remembering where the ball went before he placed his bet .
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