Example sentences of "able [to-vb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Since the majority of them were neither party members , nor teachers or agronomists , they represented a valuable addition to the ranks of those who might be able to promote smychka in the countryside .
2 Jack Whitehead ( University of Bath ) will open the conference describing how Avon authority has been able to promote teacher-research .
3 You may be able to arrange respite care in a recognized rehabilitation unit , where the patient will receive rehabilitation treatment as well as being looked after .
4 You may be able to arrange day or shorter release periods for any study days or short courses relevant to your practice which would also help to bring you up to date .
5 Being able to capitalize part of her pension would allow her to present herself at one of the main building societies with a deposit , to halve her housing costs , and begin acquiring a capital asset that would last with her into old age .
6 For instance , being pressurised the TBM demands that its pilot be able to perform emergency descents from cruising altitude in case of pressurisation failure , just like any business or airliner captain .
7 So whilst superuser still resides in Unix , it is no longer needed to be able to perform system administration , for example .
8 Even though open-market operations may be effective in reducing bank lending , people may still be able to borrow money from other financial institutions at home or abroad : institutions which may have surplus liquidity .
9 It is splendid news that Mr Smith is able to renounce socialism and even better that Gordon Brown and Tony Blair and even wee Nigel Griffiths are going to pursue the ugly connections between Tory plutocrats and regulations that block the free market .
10 One man is understood to have been arrested in the raid operation , but two leading UDA figures were able to evade arrest — one man slipped from a local club as police arrived to arrest him .
11 His brother , who succeeded him as the Emperor Leopold II , was able to restore peace in the disturbed areas only by a skilful mixture of force and concessions .
12 What I 'm trying to say is , when you 're in the state of consciousness triggered by sexual stimulation , you should be able to breach time and space .
13 A GYROSTABILISER consists of a small , rapidly spinning , motor-driven flywheel which is able to sense movement of a model about any chosen axis and apply a cancelling movement to the appropriate servo .
14 Struggle as it might , psychology has not been able to remain behaviourist .
15 Remember , if you get a mild reaction , you will need to proceed with caution until you can tell whether that food or food group is causing you to feel less well or less able to lose weight than you were at the end of Stage I.
16 while Labour under Clement Attlee was able to wield influence in the coalition government .
17 Surface states are neither in the conduction band ( i.e. free , and able to conduct electricity ) nor in the valence band ( busy keeping the crystal structure together ) , but somewhere in between .
18 In one sense , of course , all creatures , ‘ hot ’ and ‘ cold ’ blooded , maintain constant temperatures within a certain bearable range , and this means in turn that they must be able to conduct heat away from their bodies .
19 In later years , by contrast , he came to speak in public less and less frequently , despite being repeatedly urged to do so by Goebbels and others , evidently realizing only too well how closely the effectiveness of his rhetoric was dependent on being able to report success and to hold out hope for an end to the war .
20 No actress alive better captures the ferocious pathos of the little heartbreak writ large , and although her immaculate comic technique sustains whole passages of visual lunacy , she has in addition the much rarer theatrical gift of being able to transmit emotion in its purest form .
21 The network will be able to transmit information about the movements of aircraft throughout Europe , providing a central overview of air traffic conditions not previously available .
22 Seen to be an ‘ effect ’ of the Universal or Unified Field , it is able to transmit energy patterns from one natural source to another and give rise to a physical formation of those patterns — in other words , the field is believed to be the agent for creation , growth and development throughout nature .
23 There is of course a difference between a flexible general programme , able to expand/develop/change emphasis , as and when circumstances alter/new needs emerge/relevant external courses present themselves , and waiting for a course to be advertised before a need is identified , or taken notice of .
24 The final area of regulation is through Recognised Investment Exchanges ( RIEs ) and Recognised Clearing Houses ( RCHs ) , through which securities transactions are carried out in order to be able to monitor investor protection more effectively .
25 Branches will now be able to monitor progress through weekly reports and will receive statements of performance from their regional office at the end of each period .
26 SCOTVEC will be able to monitor quality systems within individual centres and ensure comprehensive verification of national standards within all SCOTVEC awards .
27 The terminology used in mobility training sounds technical , but a trained mobility instructor who has experience in dealing with children or a specialist teacher or adviser trained in mobility and independence skills will be able to plan mobility and orientation activities together with the pupil 's class teacher .
28 Interestingly , pou[c] is able to stimulate initiation of adenovirus DNA replication in vitro ( C.P.Verrijzer and P.C.van der Vliet , personal communication ) suggesting that this ability may also be a general feature of POU domain proteins .
29 We have presented data which suggest that three proteins , N-Oct 3 as well as N-Oct 5A and 5B are translated from the same mRNA by alternative translation initiation ; only the largest protein , N-Oct 3 , was able to stimulate transcription from an octamer promoter under our assay conditions .
30 Boot sector viruses , such as Brain and Joshi , hide themselves away in the boot sector of a hard disk and are able to go memory-resident every time the PC is booted up .
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