Example sentences of "able [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We do not doubt that the ( East German Communist Party ) is able through co-operation with all forces in society to find answers to all those questions which arise through the development of the republic and which interest its citizens , ’ he told the huge audience gathered in the Palace of the Republic .
2 When in 1918 the party needed a social programme for negotiations with Lloyd George , it was to the work of the USRC that they turned ; in 1922 Griffith-Boscawen was able as Minister of Health to do some of the things he had attempted in 1912 ; much of Neville Chamberlain 's work as a reformer of the Poor Law was presaged by a USRC report of 1913 written by Hills .
3 In seeking an answer to this question one can not but be influenced by a thought expressed by Lamont J. , speaking for the majority of the Supreme Court of Canada in Montreal Tramways v. Leveille where , for the first time , it was accepted in a superior court that an infant plaintiff should be able after birth to recover damages for pre-natal injuries .
4 The reason is to be able with ease to identify the sender of the letter , who typed it , and the file number if the organisation has one for a particular account .
5 But some forest landowners were able from time to time to obtain from the Crown a grant of partial exemption from this supervision .
6 They achieved this by combining two different methods : a longitudinal study , following the same children for four years from before they were able in read until they had been at school for two or three years ; and a training programme that looked at the effect of giving pre-school children specific training in categorising sounds .
7 The board assessed his compensation at a substantially lower figure than he would have been awarded by an industrial tribunal had he been able in law to appeal to such a tribunal .
8 Helping the less able in society to lead an independent life is the key principle .
9 be able in fact to take all that .
10 Look what Jesus says here in Luke chapter thirteen , in verse twenty four , just let me pick a few phrases out , verse twenty four it says shall not be able in verse twenty five there was their cry Lord open to us and in verse twenty seven their response depart from me the result in verse twenty eight there was gon na be weeping it was n't gon na be universal , they were not all gon na be saved , they were not all just gon na be swept in in the last day and did n't really matter , you 're all buddies together now in heaven , not at all , this surely what Jesus says here makes it very clear that all will not be saved if at first we 've already mentioned in John er no sorry verse further on in John three this done verse thirty six he who believes in the son has eternal life , but he who does not obey the son shall not see life but the wrath of God abides upon him , there 's no suggestion there of being ultimately brought in to God 's heaven and ultimately being saved , no it is the wrath of God abideth upon that person .
11 The girl 's eyes did not at first stray in my direction so I was able in safety to look at her , to examine her , for quite some time .
12 As Tracey made his way to the bar , she put the story on the able in front of her .
13 You must be able to water start with ease and have enough confidence to gybe in front of a breaking wave .
14 He knew that if he kept under the trees , he should be able to crest the Monument yet remain hidden from the mysterious workers .
15 Overwhelmed by their love , they struggle to overcome their addition , not wishing to hurt those around them and not able to part .
16 Firms in the UK have been able to repurchase their shares since the 1981 Companies Act , provided that shareholders are willing to sell and that the firm is left with some issue of share capital following the repurchase .
17 ‘ I just thought Britain was getting like a treadmill , and that if I was on the spot in the States I 'd be able to chivvy them around a bit more .
18 After a few touch-and-goes I was able to clean-up slickly : throttles carefully forward a couple of inches at main-wheel touch ( no automatic fuel control below 16,000 rpm ) , hold the nose-wheel an inch or two off the tarmac and retract the airbrakes ( thumb switch up for speed-up ) , a bit more throttle , flaps to fifteen ( toggle switch on side console forward — do n't even contemplate touching that too-obtrusive up-and-down flap-shaped undercarriage selector in the corner of you eye on the panel ahead ) , more power , the roar deepens with a steady push from behind , glance at the ASI , full throttle , speed building through ninety , rotate , positive climb , gear up , speed 120 , flaps up speed 170 , crank on the bank and we are downwind again .
19 Our lucky prize winner will soon be able to camp out in comfort and style with a brand new top quality tent from Phoenix .
20 We can now turn to another question : how is it that Sue was able to covary so accurately with the speech of her interlocutor ?
21 The Junkers , by leading the German unification , were able to enshrine their own position .
22 The Hong Kong government , no longer able to down-play the exodus , admitted that at least 45,000 of its best and brightest left last year .
23 These will be shared ownership properties whereby the purchaser will buy a percentage usually forty to fifty percent but then pay a rent on the remainder and they will er , be able to staircase to buy further parties into an outright ownership .
24 The gain for The Law Society is that they will be able to certificate solicitors who have undertaken further training entitling them to rights of audience in the higher courts .
25 We are also able to certificate any module where the training and assessment has been carried out in a language other than English .
26 ‘ It is marvellous to see just how even people with the most severe handicaps are able to crew the ship .
27 Well you wo n't be able to orgasm on it , okay ? sexuality
28 Galileo was able to outmanoeuvre his rival in the fruitless game of the invention of ad hoc devices for the protection of theories .
29 He may also have hoped that by supporting a revolution with which the Chinese felt no small degree of identification , he would be able to outmanoeuvre his Maoist critics .
30 As Manuel and I sat drinking our rum punch outside the tavern in the midday sun , patting Sombro and discussing dogs as pets in our respective homelands , we both knew Sombro 's manhood would remain intact and that , as long as he was able to mooch down to the village , he would do so .
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