Example sentences of "almost [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It 's almost worth advertising alcohol just to preserve the lobbying the brewers indulge in to prove that it does n't encourage young people to drink , just for the sight of their endless statistics that prove that all this money they spend on advertising is n't making anybody buy their product : run this by me again , why are you doing it ?
2 Almost as proof , Kinnaird and Marie Steele , lecturer in Strathclyde University 's department of human resources management and one of the four opening speakers acting as ‘ catalysts ’ for the discussion , set the dismal scene : the unbelievably low number of female applicants for top jobs , the discontinuity between the high rate of female academic achievement in secondary , tertiary and professional education and career patterns , the patchiness of those career patterns in various sectors where they did break through .
3 In the disposable , flippant world of pop , people do not tend to write earnestly about the real world and the few that do are seen almost as gurus or counsellors .
4 Butane gas heaters are safer and cleaner , thanks to modern technology , but electric fan heaters coupled to a greenhouse space thermostat are simpler and almost as cost effective .
5 Two weeks later Colonel Lane-Fox ( later Pitt-Rivers ) , a pioneer of scientific archaeology , spoke of ‘ the evolution of culture ’ : some kind of Darwinism entered into all kinds of explanations , as tends to happen with highly effective theories which get extended far beyond their sphere and come to function almost as metaphor .
6 The music began casually , almost as part of the conversation , a falling line of notes and a soft wooden rhythm near the edge of the drum .
7 ‘ A woman sees the home as her base and she dresses to complement that environment almost as part of the decoration .
8 There is no build-up or anything like it , they are just mentioned , almost as part of the tree .
9 Tamar bridge is the only road vehicle crossing for twenty three miles from Rainhead northward to Gunnislake Bridge and Cornwall is almost as island , with natural boundaries fixed by the coastline and the river Tamar .
10 But then you can watch a film and a series on Central all the way through , without having to wait from about five minutes to ten , almost , not literally , but almost through till about er five to eleven .
11 Soon they were driving almost through countryside , there were no street lamps any more ; and Boy suddenly found himself saying , stop the car .
12 They are not only based on nature , they copy nature , line almost for line .
13 Now , the mere sight of the cake crumbs floating on the tea has no particular effect on him , but suddenly when he actually tastes them he gets a strange feeling of excitement , a feeling almost of elation .
14 Giving him a look almost of apprehension , she retreated to lean against the wall , furious with herself for her reaction .
15 But then he paused , a look almost of malice .
16 Yorkshire is a cold place and I could remember the sensation almost of shock at the start of my first winter in Darrowby .
17 In her state almost of shock , Folly found her mind occupied with trivialities .
18 It must look a picture in the summer ! she thought , her gaze lifting to the sweeping roofline which suggested a sense of soaring , almost of weightlessness .
19 He had become an Untouchable , Trent thought with sudden bitterness as he glanced up to catch a look , almost of horror , on Mariana 's face .
20 For the first time she could sense what it must be like to possess the surgeon 's power almost of life and death , the satisfaction of knowing your actions had helped to save a life or bring a new one into the world , and she had been a part , albeit a small one , of the drama .
21 In English Exporters ( London ) Ltd v Eldonwall Ltd [ 1973 ] Ch 415 at 426 Megarry J stated that the term " have regard " almost of necessity was bound to create difficulties , asking how much regard was to be had and what weight was to be attached to the regard when it has been had .
22 And yet for a moment in the kitchen she thought she 'd caught a fleeting expression almost of smugness on his face , as though something had pleased him .
23 There has been a reaction almost of incredulity that so many really beautiful buildings — some in splendid settings — are going to waste .
24 In fact , by a process almost of inversion .
25 ‘ My recollections of 1987 are of severe stress , constant sleeplessness and almost of solitude , ’ he says .
26 The feeling , I was surprised to find , gave me a great sense of satisfaction , almost of ecstasy .
27 To Robbie the release came like drowning , a sinking into sensuality , a feeling almost of faintness .
28 I remember being struck at once by his gaiety and warmth , and the way these two characteristics gave a face that was not exactly good-looking , in fact had an element of the grotesque in its narrow axe-like boniness under the untidy mop of black hair — a face seen in an elongating fun-fair mirror — an aspect of compelling charm , almost of beauty . ’
29 Desktop publishing is current practice and orthodoxy , a matter almost of routine , and we must move on .
30 Almost of familiarity .
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