Example sentences of "use of the " in BNC.

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1 As AI launched a campaign in March 1991 against the extensive use of the death penalty in China , a nationwide drive to crack down on crime continued unabated .
2 Unfortunately , increased use of the death penalty appears to be the most popular solution .
3 The use of the voice in conjunction with the body is an important feature of training , too , for when acting you will need to be physically free enough to do several things at once .
4 Priests continued to act as sponsors of the local catholic — nationalist political structure , chairing meetings of the party and permitting the political use of the parish hall .
5 Some feared the use of the schools by proselytizers to indoctrinate the children in protestant principles , especially as the local managers were at first mainly clergy of the established church .
6 The use of the term shilling derives from an 19th century system of invoicing beer according to its gravity — a 60 shilling ale is a low gravity beer , an 80 shilling one is considerably stronger , similar to an English special bitter .
7 Although the invoicing system is long redundant , the use of the shilling in the name of a beer does give a useful indication of its strength .
8 Those who embark on this deeper , marketing-centred analysis find it necessary to separate this process from the regular tactical use of the database for sales mailings .
9 As part of the whole process of computerising its information systems , Catering & Allied is making neat use of the Psion Organiser II alongside personal computers loaded with the Caterdata software from T IS .
10 Use of the Maxial PoS terminal requires the modification of the installation 's central PoS software , which receives the same string of characters as that for a transaction entered through a conventional keyboard .
11 The course covers customers ' expectations and needs , wine and food combinations , use of the wine list , displays and liqueur trolleys .
12 The actual speed at the time is usually far too slow to allow for any use of the airbrakes , but there is plenty of room ahead for a safe landing .
13 Use of the wheel brake
14 A few seconds later the glider is unstalled and can be brought level and back to normal flight with the normal use of the controls .
15 Perhaps in an effort to justify this simplification , some instructors have been warning against the use of the rudder to stop the yaw if a wing drops at the stall .
16 Use of the rudder
17 Additional yawing caused by the excess use of the rudder in a turn will make the wing-drop much sharper .
18 The use of the airbrakes during the final turn should be discussed and pilots should be encouraged to try it if they are too high .
19 In this section are described ways of getting back into practice and of improving flying skills by making better use of the time in the air .
20 Frequently this involves turning steeply at low speed to keep the radius of turn to a minimum and to make use of the narrow cores of lift .
21 One such room was especially adapted for partially sighted people and the hard of hearing , so that special interest groups with immobility or other disabilities could make use of the function room .
22 Series of interlinking metaphors of chaos and inhumanity are generated to maintain this dramatic mode and ensure that the agenda for control remains firmly with the system , and already I have used such metaphorical terms as ‘ animals ’ and ‘ enemies ’ to indicate some of the ways in which those in power make use of the rich imagination contained in everyday language .
23 I suspect Greenhill was referring specifically to a dearth in the cultural analysis of policing , while his use of the duality of ‘ sides ’ reveals another parallel binary to that of ‘ cops and robbers ’ , with the police and sociology arraigned against each other in yet another of the wars which the police wage against those who defile the sanctity of their definition of the concept of order .
24 When Sarah McCabe ( 1980 ) queried the logic of why just one police system should be entrusted with the control of crime , law , order , and social assistance , pointing out , ‘ there is some disagreement about the use of the criminal law — unease about control of the streets … [ which poses the question ] who will be controlled and [ who will be ] assisted ’ , she found the tenor of her ‘ thoughtful and moderate examination of the police role … was too much for the senior officers to whom it was presented , and they set out to discredit it with a will ’ ( Greenhill 1981 : 98 ) .
25 This view of the use of the police as agents of government economic policy was shared , frequently with concern , by much of the public …
26 Such relative positions were clearly set out for me in chains of metaphoric relevance , with ‘ real polises ’ largely symbolized by the use of the body and its social and physical space .
27 Four years later , as I mentioned above , I was party to the same fear at Bramshill , in relation to the use of the Nato sweater .
28 However , he also suggested he would prefer to restrict the use of the concept of ‘ liminality ’ to those ritual periods in small-scale societies which all must pass through , and use the term ‘ liminoid ’ for those anti-structural periods personified by the ‘ counter-culture ’ of the 1960s ( 1978 : 287 ) .
29 He commented specifically on this and his use of the Faulkner quotation by saying , ‘ When the writer has some urgency to speak , the subject matter becomes almost irrelevant . ’
30 We must remember that this collection was put together in late 1955 , when most Jewish thinkers ' minds were somewhere between the atrocities of the Holocaust and the fearfully questionable use of the Bomb .
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