Example sentences of "got [pers pn] to " in BNC.

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1 In the time I was there she did pencil out a few passages , and got me to red ink a lot more .
2 Say you got me to Ireland and dropped me off , then got shot down by a British night-fighter off the French coast on your way back .
3 That got me to thirty-and-five .
4 Then he got me to Bryn Mawr .
5 Well that got me to a lot of good for warmth !
6 Only a mad dash got them to the meeting on time .
7 So he was pleased enough that MacMinimum was a hard rider and got them to Tipperary in only two days .
8 It was about er the press and unemployment and it was about the way the effects of unemployment were written about in well broadsheet and popular newspapers , it also involved a bit of a study where I gave people some articles to show which had been typed up in a fairly anonymous format and , and got them to rate them in various ways and that was in , let me see , nineteen eighty three long long time ago
9 Glenn Hoddle got them to the Premier league … maybe Keith Scott can keep them there !
10 She could put up with that if it got her to a city , or within reach of a ve-hickle she could scav .
11 A strength that was not of her body but rooted in absolute desperation got her to her feet rising with the urchins still clinging to her and then shaking them off like the she-bears , once chained in this square for sport , had shaken off the baiting dogs .
12 I gently reeled in , got him to my hand and carefully removed the fly , which had gone through the thin beak membrane .
13 By the time we got him to his box it was obvious he was badly hurt .
14 ’ We get hold of him , got him to Byrom Street .
15 He got him to hospital and the doctors said that he lived for 70 minutes , but he was dead by the time we got there .
16 Oddly , though he could never bear to be out of her sight and cried whenever she left him , as soon as his eldest sister , the faithful Cis , got him to her own home he ceased to cry .
17 ‘ They got him to hospital , but then he had a second attack .
18 I could n't stand it , I got him to retie my hands in front and then I unhooked the monsters and smashed them on the hearth .
19 ‘ As soon as we got him to a doctor — which took some time — it was discovered that Major Maxim must have held the ammonia under our man 's nose while pouring some odourless spirit — quite possibly strong vodka — onto the blindfold in order to produce the stinging sensation . ’
20 ‘ When we dragged Cpl Edwards out of his seat the back of his head had been blown off — but I still thought he would be OK when we got him to hospital .
21 ‘ When I struck the bream tore off downstream and dragged me into some weeds but I eventually got it to the bankside , ’ said Matthew .
22 Mary of Guise and the highly influential French ambassador in Scotland , Henri , sieur d'Oysel , collected an army of French and Scottish troops , and got it to the borders .
23 But when he got it to the check-out the girl assistant asked him to pay £1.99 .
24 He thinks the Ukrainian probably was killed and someone stole it from him and got it to Europe . ’
25 tt They 'd got two handles which was b made it mobile , two wheels , and used it Have four sacks at the end of this threshing engine , hanging on little hooks , and and a bloke there seeing that it got filled alright and it when it was full , they used to run this thing underneath a sack , crank it up by hand , like that , till they got it to the required height , then nestle it on their shoulders , you see there was a There 's a there 's an art in carrying c In carrying coal and there 's an art in carrying corn and there 's an art in carrying beef .
26 F er your bodywork was er it was cut off You measured and cut it off with your er at the at the mill , and er , of course , then when it got to the er you cut it You know , when you got it to the er your waggon , you put it in and , of course , then you 'd got to bore all the holes by hand for the bolts to go in , to fit in .
27 When they got it to the surface , they had seen a writhing mass of jelly , from which two fierce eyes had peered at them .
28 With the fiver subsidy got it to thirty six pound a ton .
29 The way in which we put our food over there actually got it to the places for which it was intended .
30 No nothing , I do n't think you could of done any more , you got it to committee and , and there 's nothing more than you can do than that
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