Example sentences of "began [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Remarkably , its arguments began to sound like those of the Central Electricity Generating Board , as it sought to cast doubt on the very existence of an acid rain problem .
2 Yet on returning to the stage for the first encore , after the first set which had lasted only 35 minutes , they all actually began to sound like a live band and you momentarily forgot about the keyboard player triggering off the backing vocals , and the percussionists aided by drum sequencers .
3 Her gaze flickered to David , then , as Jennifer looked up at David and warning bells began to sound in Rachel 's head , Belinda said , ‘ David had a girlfriend called Jennifer , did n't you , David ? ’ then , turning back to Jennifer , she added , ‘ But Rachel 's his girlfriend now . ’
4 Once Paul 's cult began to crystallise as a religion in itself , rather than a form of Judaism , it dictated certain priorities which had not obtained in Jesus 's lifetime and which Jesus himself would unquestionably have deplored .
5 The founder of the theory of scales which is commonly used as the basis for social measurement is the psychologist S.S. Stevens , whose ideas began to crystallise in the 1940s in response to a challenge issued , in 1932 , by physicists and psychologists of the British Association for the Advancement of Science to " assess the possibility of " " quantitative estimates of sensory events " " .
6 The larks had not been up long when the first cars began filtering into the parks .
7 She began to go through the whole thing in her prayer and then realized that God of course would know anyway , so she simply asked if it could be that Timothy Gedge was possessed by devils .
8 Cranston and Athelstan squatted down before the coffer and began to go through Sir Ralph 's personal papers , but they found nothing about his years in Outremer .
9 Then I began to go to the temple and I did n't go to Sunday school any more , because I had been to the seaside lots and lots of times — the same one every time .
10 Nevertheless , in 1806 , staying at the house of his friend Sir George Beaumont , Wordsworth began to go to church again , even though he was not a regular attender .
11 Later I began to go to Althorp to do her hair and gradually became involved in her life .
12 That 's perhaps why things began to go to pieces when the boy was born .
13 Despite the pain she began to go to sleep .
14 We then began to go to sleep a bit and wednesday came back to make it 3 all .
15 Very slowly , she began to go down the stairs , step by step , wincing every time one creaked and glancing over her shoulder every ten seconds or so .
16 The so this alleyway has been here since at least sixteen ninety , probably rather earlier when the house began to go down the drain as it were , down the plughole .
17 It was not long after the Health Service came into being that the economy began to go into one of its periods of crisis .
18 But after a while she wanted a change from her routine and began to go on the weekly trips regularly .
19 The began to see to each other , I believe winter has gone , some of the days were quite warm and Pink started to pressured ?
20 Now they began to see for themselves the amazing interconnected web of life which links the creatures and plants on Denmark Farm , and the critical role which each link plays in maintaining the chain of existence — the working ecological system .
21 The twins also began to see towards the end of the book that Piggy was very clever and started to show him some respect .
22 As will be discussed in Chapter 10 , the first big generation of owner-occupiers began to retire from the 1960s onwards .
23 Johnny Marr began to slide towards potential alcoholism , drinking a bottle of Remy Martin a night , and the band began to drift apart .
24 As soon as they were taken from shelter , they began to slide on locked wheels over the yard , and then to tilt .
25 The knee itself began to slide into the dark , smooth pastel paper on the wall ; smoothly and neatly .
26 In the 1960s , says Menotti , Rome Opera began to slide down hill .
27 They turned , staying in the centre of Cheapside as the melting snow began to slide from the sloping tiled roofs .
28 One 18-year-old insurance clerk from Birchfield explained how he reached a sort of cross-road after his training began to detract from his studies : ‘ I came to the conclusion that my career came first and , at 18 , I had to look at my prospects .
29 Commercial Union began to cope with the temporary loss of its headquarters building by making the maximum use of available space elsewhere .
30 He sat down at the table and began eating without tasting the food .
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