Example sentences of "found it [adj] " in BNC.

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1 These workers have designed primers to the organism , and found it present in extraintestinal tissue from unrelated cases of Whipple 's disease .
2 They had inherited a large number of hire schemes , and sometimes ( particularly for cookers in working class areas ) found it economic to continue these .
3 I found it intriguing that the image on the screen was almost indecipherable , especially when blown up to five and a half metres square .
4 She guessed he found it intriguing to be able to talk about his consuming interest in the sport with a girl who not only knew what he was talking about , but could actually offer opinions that were interesting .
5 Con seemed oblivious of it but in the enclosed space I found it overpowering .
6 CHEAPER He found it cheaper than expected to get started because groundworks and services cost less than forecast .
7 Said to have an intense Chardonnay fruit character , we found it dry , smooth and very drinkable .
8 Some found it unacceptable because it would be on early in the evening , because it was a soap serial — and because the woman was committing adultery with a much younger man .
9 He also found it unacceptable that ‘ although this has not been set down in black and white , the West is clearly inclined to have the conference discuss the regime existing in Afghanistan , and the character of Soviet-Afghan relations ’ .
10 So we put a , as a rider on , that it had already passed the rider it says there , but we found it unacceptable at P A G.
11 She also found it intolerable to have her husband 's old girlfriends around .
12 ‘ That 's what we hated and in the end we found it intolerable .
13 I found it tremendous fun , and there 's even a trivia game to make things a little more exciting .
14 Tug found it repulsive , but he had not the energy to resist and he let Doyle lead him upstairs as a father leads a child .
15 Obviously the detailed nature of these checks depends on the material submitted , but we found it invaluable to look at the output from these checks before looking at the coursework itself .
16 I found it invaluable last time I was doing i b you know if , if you say to somebody y you know come beforehand with what you 're doing well , what , where the difficulties are , what the obstacles are .
17 She wrote to me saying that in this place she found it possible to forgive for the first time and then return home to seek reconciliation .
18 It was also surprising to hear that so many found it possible to stick to this diet when normally they found themselves lacking in the willpower department .
19 Through the AC30 I found it possible to find some pretty convincing old Phantom sounds , ramming home to me the fact that if you can put up with the tuning hassles , a 12-string is still one of the best guitars to use for rhythm .
20 Joint stock companies found it possible to grow larger by issuing new shares to increase their capital , and mergers and takeovers saw the average size of firms grow .
21 He also found it possible to direct public funds to his own use .
22 She began again to caress him ; rose to sit kittenishly in his lap , but she was as clumsy at this babying as she was grand at being leopardine , and he found it possible this time to check his lust ; she bent to blow on his neck and ear , as he liked her to do , but he twisted sharply to avert his head , and struck her on the upper arm to beat her off , and then without another word , his face blazing with the effort of his denial , he turned and left her .
23 One by one they came , and we on board Viking found it possible to grab their long shaggy fleeces and hoist them over the gunwale .
24 It was , therefore , extremely relevant to him that Wagner had a less complicated view of the age they lived in and found it possible to regard the rise of the new Reich as the outward expression of , precisely , Germanic health and strength .
25 But beneath it she understood , accepted , found it far easier to hate him , when he fought her back to the bed , than to ignore him ; the bitings and scratchings of anger coming near enough to passion so that when he entered her again she found it possible , in her loathing , her detestation , her bitter resentment , to wrap her own strong , hard limbs about him in a grip designed to wound and crush him but which could also excite .
26 Seated beneath a standard lamp , glass in hand , impressionist art on the wall and thick floor-length curtains closed against the night , he found it possible to believe he was almost anywhere but where he really was .
27 I was on a local council for some years that thought it was well run , but we still found it possible to get rid of a tier of management .
28 I was deeply disappointed that neither the hon. Member for Tooting , in a 40-minute speech , nor the hon. Member for Hammersmith , except in an intervention , found it possible to acknowledge the contribution made by housing associations .
29 However , as he found it possible to reformulate it in terms of his own engineering type of mathematics ( which is not ) , he did not challenge it .
30 The German middle classes and the German Catholics in particular knew that the Prussian Poles were no great threat to the state , yet in spite of their protests , the Junker-dominated Government found it essential to work through crude Völkisch opinion to maintain itself and divert the impending revolution .
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