Example sentences of "found that some " in BNC.

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1 We soon found that some of them were using this for various extra-curricular activities .
2 The IAEA scientists found that some medical equipment , and certain techniques of medical examination ( such as those used to test for thyroid problems ) , were unfamiliar to Soviet doctors , and tended to produce different results depending on who used them .
3 We found that some last only 10 to 30 years and that 's not enough for archives of historical material .
4 They also found that some combined health and education needs were not considered to be adequately covered by the definition , citing speech therapy as a prime example .
5 A panel of experts , appointed by the Council of Europe last November to advise the Community , found that some European states have yet to develop rules on recourse to DNA analysis in forensic work — a shortcoming they set as the first priority .
6 The experiment found that some 25 per cent of lead in the bodies of Turin residents came from petrol .
7 She was absolutely terrified of creating her own image in case she found that some expanse of water found its way into the picture .
8 Learning the collect each week was interesting ; for I found that some of them were short and easy to remember , others were longer and somewhat involved in thought and language .
9 These trends are also confirmed in the Guardian 's ‘ People At Work Survey ’ which found that some 49 per cent of those with a GCE/CSE qualification would consider moving to take up their next job , 59 per cent of those with a first degree and 74 per cent of those with a doctorate would do so .
10 In her research into the effects of divorce on children , Mitchell ( 1985 ) found that some siblings had been divided between the two parents , though some were reunited after the divorce .
11 After buying Hugin Sweda , Riva found that some of the quoted assets did not exist , and had to plug the gap by restructuring , borrowing , and cost-cutting .
12 Rand found that some firms were even trying to avoid bad publicity by cleaning up sites before they were put on the Superfund list .
13 Reception We tuned in to all the broadcast channels with the loop aerial and found that some sets gave a far better picture than others .
14 To their surprise , they found that some schools had grown in number from one week to the next .
15 He found that some of his Pound negatives could only be printed effectively with platinum paper , which has a very long tonal range .
16 The reverberations of the Super 8/Standard 8 controversy can still be detected ; institutions were encouraged to invest in the new film equipment , but found that some manufacturers persisted in producing material only in the earlier format ; the resultant collapse of confidence has not been easy to repair .
17 The 1976 English House Condition Survey found that some 28 per cent of all unfit dwellings in England but only 23 per cent of total stock were in rural areas , defined to include settlements of up to 1,000 dwellings .
18 The differences in treatment of the authors was very apparent when we found that some selected a few headings and sub-headings and others sub-divided the subject much more .
19 The report of this inquiry found that some ill-treatment of patients had indeed taken place but also it found much to criticize in general : lax standards of nursing , inadequate medical care , poor conditions and bad management .
20 Dr Sharp and his colleagues from an Edinburgh hospital questioned nearly 300 doctors in southeast Scotland and found that some GPs get up to 50 requests a month for ear syringing .
21 We also found that some of their drilling equipment is as advanced as anything we are using ’ .
22 The Yale and Michigan studies found that some searches initiated as known-item searches could in fact be subject searches or could develop into subject searches .
23 The Home Affairs Select Committee report , when the Committee looked at sick leave , for example , found that some progress could be made in improving on the sick absence record of police officers .
24 The study also found that some pollutants are far more damaging when released at higher altitudes .
25 The NAO report , however , found that some areas had been neglected , notably air , as the inspectorate concentrated its resources on those areas it considered to be priorities such as nuclear sites .
26 It also found that some of the avowedly " green " unit trusts were actually investing in many of the polluting companies .
27 No I think erm para five three I think was probably one of the er unless the panel found that some of policies were unduly restricted and detailed or er which were not a struc structural significance erm yeah probably the first rather than the second reference .
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