Example sentences of "found a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Eventually , I found a young hospital registrar who said , not entirely as a joke : ‘ I expect we 'll find a cupboard for her ’ .
2 At last I found a young doctor who gave me a curious look , but I begged him to examine Rachel , which he did , and then looked up and said , ‘ My dear lady , your daughter has bubonic plague ! ’
3 On arrival I found a young man from the GLC equipped with a magic lantern , slides , wall plans and all other relevant data .
4 Now he found a young man from a few doors away was home on leave from the Royal Engineers and spent some of his leave with him and some visiting relations , as men on leave were expected to do .
5 ‘ One of the servants found a young piglet , throat slashed from ear to ear , on a heap of refuse at the back of the kitchen .
6 It occurred to me that it might be Ruth Cohen again , but I could n't have been more wrong , for when I opened the door I found a young police constable standing there in his navy-blue mac wet with rain .
7 Two years ago , stretching my neck after hours of looking at archives , I opened the museum 's journal and in amongst those male stories found a young smiling woman with a camera .
8 He left and found a squalid flat in Brentford , which they shared with another couple and their children .
9 When patrolling policemen checked the pub they found a rear window smashed and could hear Joyce and another man inside .
10 He found a rusty man-trap in a cupboard — an evil contraption of chains and springs and teeth — and assured her that it had taken the leg off more than one poacher in its day .
11 A few months later a man living in Herne Bay in Kent found a live earthworm in his garden after a rainstorm .
12 ‘ In the course of unpacking tea chests , we found a tatty little thin cardboard box which John was going to throw away .
13 Similarly Gilleard , 1984 found a wide range of disabilities in Scottish samples of dementia sufferers and their carers .
14 Merrill Lynch 's Second Annual Study of Employee Relocation Policies Among Major UK Companies found a wide range of estimates of the cost of relocating employees .
15 There was virtually universal acceptance of the proposal to include core skills in the new qualifications , although we found a wide diversity of views as to how they should be incorporated .
16 The researchers found a wide variation in " Patois competence " , with scores ranging from 8 to 20 ( p. 96 ) .
17 That we found a lower mortality than expected is not relevant to the paper 's message .
18 The fact that Gardner et al found a dose-response relation between fathers ' preconceptual external exposure to penetrating ionising radiation and childhood leukaemia and we did not could be because the cumulative dose was a marker of exposure to some hazardous substance or substances at Sellafield but not elsewhere .
19 Olivia wrote to tell me that Ivy came back ( having found , at last , a suitable flat ) and found a penitent Polonaise willing for her to stay : ‘ at a great price , but less than the South Americans ’ .
20 COUNCIL workmen found a booby-trapped caravan yesterday on a site they were clearing after a court battle .
21 Inside the man-made cavern , located 100ft up the side of a cliff , an archaeological survey team found a hastily-written message recording that ‘ Joezer ( the priest ) has just been killed ( or wounded ) .
22 Without any experience of that industry he found a useful partner in Thomas Gray , the manager of a small ironworks at Coatbridge , with whom in 1861 he formed the business of Colville & Gray .
23 It is easy enough to see why this bird has no need for the power of flight , but found a greater advantage in allowing its wings to become efficient paddles .
24 Overall , they found a greater tendency to underpricing .
25 We found a simple and inexpensive method of improving the recovery of the nucleic acid after phenol-chloroform extraction .
26 Burton found a burned out dinghy on the waterline with German markings .
27 Fozard et al found a weak association between colon cancer and distant dysplasia .
28 Mortimer found a junior lieutenant and began issuing orders to have his maps of the island , tactical notes , and sundry other items brought in .
29 The last one we had we had a budget of ten thousand pounds the company which did it said that it would normally not take on a project of that sort of cost but they found a junior member of staff to take it on and the end product I mean that 's going back nearly five years now , was quite er acceptable and welcome but now it it looks very much out , the force has been reorganised , we need to give it a new look .
30 Hirschowitz et al infused 10 , 20 , and 40 ml of alcohol intravenously for thirty minutes and found a pronounced and dose dependent increase in acid secretion .
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