Example sentences of "themselves with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Straightforward in principle , although highly complex in technical detail , the majority of today 's desk-top fax machines rarely seek to sell themselves with seductive design ( the usual Japanese route to consumer appeal ) ; they just sit there , looking like little photocopiers or big telephones , doing what they are supposed to do .
2 Some excitable Slav nationalists still talk of a united Macedonia ; but then some excitable Greek nationalists still want to unite themselves with southern Albania ( North Epirus to them ) , a bit farther west .
3 In 1990 sales of cars , video cameras and leisure related services boomed as consumers found themselves with higher disposable incomes because of wage increases averaging 6 per cent , at least double the rate of inflation .
4 They could also provide themselves with home-made clubs and teach themselves to play .
5 In the case of the mid-seventeenth century we find groups of current historians who share social and frequently explicit political assumptions identifying themselves with right and left , and often implicitly acknowledging that their own political agendas dictate not only their naming of the past but their unhappiness with opposing critical orientations .
6 Allying themselves with neighbouring tribes , the Nez Perce thwarted Blackfoot aggression in a period of desperate warfare .
7 The tradition of an imperial unity of the British Isles was supported by statements in charters of pre-Conquest kings , in which the kings called themselves with varying degrees of circumlocution ‘ emperors of this British world ’ .
8 After the war , German universities had rebuilt themselves with much help from overseas , particularly the US , but little direction from central government .
9 They gather near her and squabble among themselves with much caterwauling .
10 In some areas of the country there are special Money Advice Centres which can help people in debt , particularly those who have saddled themselves with multiple debts .
11 In some areas of the country there are special Money Advice Centres which can help people in debt , particularly those who have saddled themselves with multiple debts .
12 ‘ They feel they can distinguish themselves with greater transparency between PS/2s , AS/400s and mainframes , with less translation and overhead .
13 No wonder brewers find themselves with unprofitable outlets in such areas , whatever pub concept they apply to them .
14 They would seek to liberate themselves with European machinery and European techniques .
15 Gerald of Wales , writing in the later twelfth century , says that the Welsh do not build ‘ lofty stone buildings ’ but content themselves with small huts made of the boughs of trees twisted together . ’
16 Although he is based in Paris and spends a great deal of his time in his various houses in France , Lagerfeld is , in the way he conducts his life and work , a relic of an older Germany — a country of small principalities , ruled , like Herzog 's eighteenth-century Weimar , by cultured and cultivated monarchs who surrounded themselves with small courts of aristocrats , intellectuals and kindred creative spirits .
17 It can give them a chance — certainly often seized by widows in the past — to assert themselves with genuine dignity and authority in the public world .
18 ‘ The city is too easily stereotyped as a bleak and industrial wasteland full of flat-capped frustrated poets and musos consoling themselves with endless amounts of ale .
19 As we have seen , although positivist criminologists were often shy of associating themselves with specific corrective programmes , they saw crime as pathological and shared a general consensus in favour of a broadly rehabilitative approach to ridding ourselves of it .
20 Clergymen have no business to concern themselves with Civil affairs . ’
21 Cabbages ( part of the Wilderness had been a vegetable patch ) armed themselves with woody bark ; rhubarb threw off weak elastic branches ; roses shed superfluous petals and muscled into the potato patch ; vegetables , weeds and shrubs increased their ranks or sizes while snowdrifts or perennial flowers transformed the land .
22 Given the pressures of external demands , the size of the diocese , and the problems of travelling to over 300 parishes , most bishops and their officers had to content themselves with regular exhortations and punishing the worst , or least skilful , clerical offenders .
23 Artists and the artistic community must stop deluding themselves and from now onwards begin scrutinising the very structure of their thought , instead of contenting themselves with pointless posturing systematically contradicted by the way in which art is produced and distributed .
24 Young women married to salesmen , for once , took an interest in where their husbands would be on the great day ; the older men , who ricocheted between various business interests , were lectured steadily , any time they put in an appearance at home , on the necessity of being in Tollemarche at this time ; and those males who were doomed to spend their lives in Tollemarche found themselves with intolerable lists of jobs to be done , from laying out backyard skating rinks to pinning up the hems on their female relatives ' costumes .
25 It would need to find private land on which to meet and other hunts across the region may find themselves with similar problems .
26 Although the band could now operate without digging into the personal pocket of Joe Moss ( previously he had financed all the band 's expenses ) , Marr , Morrissey , Rourke and Joyce still found themselves with little personal money .
27 Two years later , the selected strategy and its financial implications have proved themselves with little need for modification .
28 The search software is user-friendly , with menu-driven commands , colour screens and help facilities , and users are able to carry out searches themselves with little or no instruction from library staff .
29 Bakers in England content themselves with Hot Cross Buns at Easter .
30 Despite great efforts to ‘ bottle up ’ sources of funds within regional boundaries , some banks find themselves with excess liquidity which they are not allowed to use for expanding credits to local enterprises , and this has led to some inter-regional flows of bank funds ( and to the uncontrolled expansion of bank lending to firms such as Agrokomerc ) .
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