Example sentences of "themselves [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If the Danish Government was able to distribute 300,000 copies of the Maastricht text through newsagents and libraries , who has decided here , or in Brussels , that the British public should not be allowed to find out for themselves during the election what the small print of the treaty contains ?
2 Since the beginnings of the Glasgow Fair 1,000 years ago , the good people of Glasgow have been determined to enjoy themselves during the annual beanfeast .
3 Having ‘ failed ’ to find the curriculum or examination version of the Holy Grail for themselves during the sixties and seventies ( and having exhausted themselves in the process ) the schools are , at the moment , resigned to accepting a string of panaceas from without — the YTS/TVEI initiatives are now being superseded or subsumed by the National Curriculum cure-all .
4 Undoubtedly , some of my own ideas would have been useless and other ideas would have suggested themselves during the interviews .
5 Though nocturnal , they will show themselves during the day if kept in a well-planted tank .
6 They would then have an incentive to seek out wild foods when foraging for themselves during the day .
7 Go around the group and have everybody in turn explain a particular example of their coping , or the task they set themselves during the preceding week .
8 Woodlice were miniature armadillos ; tomato-coloured mites scampered on the walls as if the brick was burning their feet ; herds of striped and chequered snails glued up their doorways each autumn ; and sluggish , fragile caterpillars , irritatingly , mummified themselves during the one interesting period of their lives .
9 Yet if the subjects were required to repeat the alphabet to themselves during the task this introduced a bias in gap detection favouring the right visual field .
10 Racial and economic tensions related to the immigration issue also manifested themselves during the early months of 1990 .
11 This chapter considers the relationships between the partners themselves during the course of their business .
12 This year over 40 exhibitors spread themselves between a score of hotels and venues , apparently selected on the basis of being as far apart as possible .
13 Two guards on skis had infiltrated themselves between the high wire and the high wooden fence and covered the growing mass of prisoners with their rifles .
14 They will make no move to attack or talk to the adventurers , but merely interpose themselves between the adventurers and the path to the Castle .
15 Even these , during most of their existence , contain 46 ( each a replica of one of the 46 in the original fertilised ovum ) , but at the moment of final cell division into recognisable sperm or ova the chromosomes , in of dividing , distribute themselves between the two halves of the dividing cell .
16 Feverfew , nasturtiums and chamomile will also seed themselves between the cracks but at this point one can be back to the weeding situation and the paving loses its character of precision and smoothness .
17 But the experts who examined him afterwards almost certainly thought he had been infected by female chiggoe fleas , which attach themselves between the toes or on the soles of the feet .
18 Her father had been an economist , who had come back to Europe with Woodrow Wilson to try to hammer something workable out of the ruins of the Great War , and after that the family had divided themselves between the USA and Britain .
19 Two men , each carrying a heavy shield on his left arm , rushed as storm troops at the supposed criminal gunmen , firing themselves through a slit in the shield .
20 to give children the opportunity to express themselves through a variety of approaches including descriptive , imaginative and creative poetry and prose .
21 In effect the Berlin banks who loaned money to the Junkers were paying themselves through an agricultural clearing house in East Prussia .
22 CURRY lovers who regularly put themselves through the pain of eating hot , spicy food may be physically addicted to the ‘ high ’ it gives , according to new research .
23 Nobody throws themselves through the air without my permission , ’ muttered the Headmaster turning to Endill .
24 Once the momentum of marketing is established the ideas and actions become almost self-generating and weave themselves through the normal contacts and business of the day .
25 Thus the Somme offensive dragged on until , with the advent of winter rains in mid-November , when the exhausted , hungry men could no longer drag themselves through the deepening mud , it died away in disappointment and despair .
26 Blocked mobility into consultant grades forced the GPs to organise themselves through the Royal College of General Practitioners .
27 By beating this they could drive themselves through the water but their heavy foreparts must have kept their heads low and close to the bottom .
28 They drive themselves through the water in the same way as their ancestors , by the sinuous motion of the rear half of their bodies and the powerful thrash of their tails .
29 Infants become water-friendly through songs and exercises ; for example , floating toys encourage the children to stretch and pull themselves through the water .
30 It was the biggest comprehensive school in the area ( purpose-built , as the Head never tired of saying ) , and every morning two thousand pupils streamed into its gates , navy blue and yellow waves breaking over the grassy slopes , spreading themselves through the corridors , filling up the empty rooms .
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