Example sentences of "themselves [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 This point can be proved by pushing the vehicle along the road to show there was no braking effect ; by things speaking for themselves where the unattended vehicle runs away , down hill ; and by observing the handbrake lever in the off position etc .
2 The dominant American view is that interest groups will always be able to organize themselves where the need arises and to defend their social position before the state .
3 Whichever type of man we think of , we may find it difficult to say whether by ‘ property ’ we mean the things themselves or the aggregate of rights which are exercised over them .
4 Lump sum investments can take advantage of the charitable status of public schools by paying into an educational trust run by the schools themselves or the life offices .
5 The detailed arrangements vary according to the type of living accommodation the patient is in , but , if possible , everything is arranged so that the patient , carer , relatives , professional staff and visiting friends all move around without danger to themselves or the household furniture and decorations .
6 Conservative Party and business interests make up 46 per cent of the 90 members , 19 per cent nominated either by themselves or the boards .
7 The lives of vulnerable elderly people are made more complex when there is mental impairment , as there is a general anxiety about their capacity to cope with themselves or the environment .
8 Yet the changes in the media themselves or the changed context in which they operate pose new challenges .
9 Then , to the disappointment of both therapist and patient , the improvement halts and fades away and the patient moves on to try something else , blaming either themselves or the therapist .
10 As part of the denial of their own " family disease " they may believe that they themselves or the way in which they attempt to help others is what is inadequate rather than the capacity of the primary sufferer to receive the message of recovery .
11 They made them themselves or the wives did .
12 They must stop trying to persuade themselves or the country that some sort of semi-detached arrangement can be made that will serve Britain 's interests — there is no such arrangement .
13 However in line with KPMG publicised policies on corporate finance services activities , MAS partners ( along with other partners ) should not commit either themselves or the firm to sponsor issues .
14 In suppressing their dilemmas and in failing to challenge the orthodoxies they help neither themselves nor the children they teach .
15 Some puppets are simple enough for the children to improvise for themselves once the teacher has introduced the idea .
16 In this way , he said , western critics could assure themselves that the terms of such a package were being met .
17 Now they have started again , as investors convince themselves that the worst of the recession is over ; as some junk-bond issuers take advantage of falling interest rates and the stockmarket rally to refinance their debt more cheaply or turn it into equity ; and as bond-raiders speculate in distressed companies that they think may restructure themselves or be taken over .
18 Like most human beings of whatever condition or culture who send out and receive such close scrutiny in a public place the two of them dimly sensed at one tissue-thin layer within the oldest parts of themselves that the strangely alternating processes of mutual assessment had not been entirely used up .
19 Yet sterling 's stable performance , another slight easing of money market rates , rampant rumours of a favourable opinion poll and a firm performance among government issues all converged to tempt in the odd overseas bargain hunter , helping dealers convince themselves that the world is not about to come to an abrupt halt after all .
20 There were moments of truce — the first of hundreds of Lebanese ceasefires — during which the Lebanese persuaded themselves that the war was over .
21 It is evident from a perusal of the ‘ legitimizing ’ commentary provided by the novelists themselves that the reader is being encouraged to ‘ naturalize ’ the texts along the lines suggested .
22 The truth was that , while large sections of the media were insisting that it was all terribly different in Scotland , and while some politicians managed to convince themselves that the constitution was the issue above all others in the minds of Scotland 's electorate , most Scottish voters were declining to have their agenda set for them .
23 The parties must also state that they have satisfied themselves that the value of the asset at the date of transfer was in excess of allowable expenditure plus indexation to date .
24 Therefore the police generally require to see the certificate to satisfy themselves that the motor vehicle is correctly insured but in some cases of doubt the policy may have to be examined or enquiries made of the issuing firm .
25 Reassuring themselves that the train had broken down , both men felt confident that they would find nothing untoward on the line .
26 And once they had deluded themselves that the blacks were content , the whites were quite unable to recognise , let alone tackle , the real grievances that caused so many peasant farmers to side with the ‘ boys in the bush ’ .
27 When Sir Eric was appointed Rector in 1985 everyone was congratulating themselves that the financial squeeze on the universities , which had lasted 15 years , was now at an end and that stable funding was just around the corner .
28 It has been well said of the Reformers themselves that the Bible was the sole norm and guide in matters of faith and conduct , not in everything under the sun .
29 Having decided for themselves that the problem lay in the lack of will and determination on the part of the Indo-Chinese to join whole-heartedly with the French in resisting communism , the US had to obtain assurances from the French that a programme of French government will be developed ; national armies will be organized ; France will despatch sufficient additional armed forces to Indo-China to insure that the restoration of peace and internal security will be accomplished in accordance with the timetable of the overall military plan for Indo-China ( which made it sound more like a military parade than a war and that the French will eliminate their policy of colonialism .
30 Those at lower organizational levels who will be responsible for implementing various aspects of the change can not be expected to commit to the effort until they see for themselves that the organizational leadership is similarly committed .
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