Example sentences of "themselves [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Their limited aim was to support the efforts of the law against Communism and to take on the job themselves where those efforts were inadequate .
2 Every couple has to find for themselves where this balance lies and , to be frank , this can be hard for some because one partner 's idea of novelty is the other 's perception of tedium .
3 They rarely use the word ‘ I ’ , generally calling themselves by their own names , and they have difficulty in seeing themselves or other people as people , rather than objects .
4 Drivers go to pubs and if they 're encouraged to drink more alcohol , the liklihood is they will cause an accident and kill themselves or other innocent people .
5 In a statement it said : Not only must there be a history of absconding for individuals to qualify — there must also be significant grounds to believe they will either harm themselves or other people if they do abscond .
6 The basic guidelines is erm if somebody is a danger to themselves or other people then perhaps there is some way of helping them with an enforced medication or hospital treatment .
7 I have to acknowledge too that since you ought to be aware from your fellow 's viewpoints and incline towards their benefit as well as your own , and ought also to be aware that individuals can not benefit themselves or each other by community without agreeing on common rules , the rules you follow in acting towards your fellows should be those of your community and not of mine .
8 Tt and then we come to rich peasants , land owned by rich peasants and cultivi cultivated by themselves or hired labour and their other properties shall be protected from infringement .
9 Nowhere do most early music directors appear more unsure of themselves or unaware of available knowledge than when making decisions about tempo and tempo relationships in Baroque music .
10 As a result , metal-working ( which was hardly developed at all in North American native cultures ) was widespread in Siberia from the second millennium BC , and long before the seventeenth century AD all its indigenous peoples either worked iron themselves or used artefacts made of the precious metal when these could be obtained by trade .
11 place themselves or any materials within nine feet of the running railway or overhead line equipment .
12 Most of all , it was suggested , these explanations have placed most of the blame for quality deficits onto teachers themselves or those who train them , instead of examining the characteristics of the environment in which teachers operate and trying to understand and interpret the ways in which teachers make sense of , and adjust to , that environment .
13 The open jaws of a big barracuda were enough to keep most people out of the water and his party had n't shown themselves that keen over the past three days .
14 Misconceptions about ill health in old age — and the perception of older people themselves that poor health is inevitable — form the backdrop to growing political concern over the health care needs of an ageing population .
15 At the same time Mr and Mrs M continued with their daily tasks , feeding the stock , checking on cows ready to calve , assuring themselves that all , at least , was well on the farm .
16 All average rents on our stock across the whole of the south east is twenty seven pounds a week erm , I think is , is the figure now the bulk of that funded down to the old er regime that we had from the housing corporation where we got er , a lot more grant and we had the residual line and the money we 've had to borrow ourselves for the scheme was actually from the corporation themselves that all changed in the ninety eighty eight housing act and we now get a fixed er , sum of monies , it 's fixed percentage of local cost from the housing corporation and the balance has to be borrowed from a private lender just like anybody else going out and and buying a home , if you like er , from a , a bank , from a building society or somebody like that and we have to charge a rent er to the property that will repay that loan and , the way in which we actually do it is , is we charge a lower rent and actually who pays the rent quite substantially below that er , because erm the rent on these properties if we i if we charge what the the housing corporation 's grant as it 's set would be round about ten , twelve pounds more expensive than that .
17 Decision makers should satisfy themselves that current practice is itself worth having before using it as a comparison for a new treatment .
18 Donovan had taken a fairly low-key approach , refusing to accept the view ( promulgated by the CBI ) that legal restrictions on unofficial strikes would achieve the desired industrial peace , but Wilson and Barbara Castle convinced themselves that penal sanctions were necessary and justified , and in accordance with public opinion .
19 By filling empty tins and jam jars with peas , lentils etc. , and also with larger objects like apples and nuts , they discovered for themselves that many small , but few larger , things fill the same container .
20 It is not merely that they are not just another class of public phenomena ; it is through nothing but experiences themselves that such phenomena become objects for us .
21 Women are being urged to re-train and re-learn but what are the obstacles they have to overcome to give themselves that second chance ?
22 The quasi-legal requirements of the Cadbury code of practice and new auditing and accounting rules , putting the responsibility on directors not only to satisfy themselves that adequate systems and controls are in place and that the business is a going concern but to declare this , compound the risk .
23 Leavis does not question or problematize the existence of the materials of the literary tradition , and the moral force to be associated with the study of English resides , not in the " personalities " of great authors , but in the capacity of an intellectual and professional elite to " respond " , that is , to recreate in themselves that evaluative response to cultural change seen as inscribed within the literary tradition .
24 The aircraft are safely hangared and the technicians have assured themselves that those cowboy pilots have n't damaged any of their babies .
25 The next time they feel it necessary to spout off in such an ill-informed , ill-advised and half-cocked manner over the issue of immigration , perhaps Councillors and should remind themselves that some of the most severe immigration laws were actually introduced by a Labour Home Secretary .
26 Griffiths also recommended that GPs should satisfy themselves that social services had considered the needs of individuals , a clear attempt by Griffiths to involve GPs more in the provision of services .
27 To allow people to comfort themselves that less than the best ( or equal best ) is good enough , is , it may be said , just a recipe for idle complacency .
28 Under existing company law , accounts are prepared on the assumption that the company is a going concern , but there is no explicit requirement for directors to satisfy themselves that this is a reasonable assumption to make , by , for example , preparing a cash flow forecast .
29 I know that many girls who become anorexic set out with this express intention , and may even be able to persuade themselves that this is the sole cause ( whole truth ) of their subsequent condition .
30 While the Carrion 's behaviour may appear to be significant — and the players will try hard to convince themselves that this is the case — this is only a spoiling attack to draw the adventurers ' attention to the Castle .
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