Example sentences of "known [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , she 'd known little peace at all .
2 When the number of new writerships , cadetships and surgeoncies which would be required became known each year , the total was divided as evenly as possible into thirty shares .
3 One would have assumed that as two classicists , Punch contributors and men of letters of an old-fashioned Christian temper , Lewis and Knox would have known each other for years .
4 Even among perhaps a hundred girls in their year , they must have known each other quite well .
5 Just as well they have something else in common : they have known each other a long time , and are all good friends .
6 They wrote freely as if they had known each other for years .
7 ‘ Yes we are friends , we have known each other since we were both 12 years old and we do spend lots of time together , ’ she said .
8 ‘ We 've only known each other a year . ’
9 I would like to have discovered what had become of Mr Graham , for although we had not known each other well , I would say we had got on on those occasions we had met .
10 We had known each other for five years and were lovers for three , although we did n't live together .
11 I mean , we 've known each other since we was girl and boy , and we seem to hit it all right , do n't we ? ’
12 From the moment of his arrival at Carewscourt , Durkin adopted an over-familiar attitude towards Carew , calling him Alec , trying to give the impression that they had known each other for years .
13 ‘ We have known each other all our lives , ’ said Helena .
14 ‘ Although Stevie and I had known each other for a while we had never been romantically involved .
15 Julian Hayman was the same age as Quinn and they had known each other when Quinn lived in London and worked for the underwriting firm specializing in protection and hostage release .
16 Had they not all agreed when they left Ecalpemos and went their separate ways that it.was to be as if they had never met , known each other , lived together , that in future they must be strangers and more than strangers ?
17 Not that they have n't known each other usually for years , but such formality has its necessary place , for there are again the exceptions .
18 ‘ I must say that our discussion was such that it was as if we have known each other for many , many years . ’
19 The latest disclosures will re-open controversy over the royal couple and Diana 's belief that the friendship between the Prince and Camilla , who have known each other for more than 10 years , has undermined her marriage .
20 They have known each other since they were children . ’
21 ‘ We have known each other for 14 years and we just do n't want to spoil what we have . ’
22 Pat and David have known each other since they were eight years old and astonishingly they say they always knew they would marry !
23 You may not believe this , but though Richard and I have now known each other for eighteen years on and off , the first time he kissed me was in the car-park last Thursday . ’
24 I wondered when they had known each other and why the parents had never mentioned the affair to me ?
25 ‘ We 've known each other all our lives — our parents even went to college together .
26 Some of that initial group of students and myself already had known each other for several years and knew each other 's families .
27 Indeed , she was sure he hardly reed she was alive , save that they had known each other for a long time .
28 We 've known each other since we were infants , but she does n't have that kind of feeling for me . "
29 The Regent and Lovat had known each other for a long time and shared affection and respect .
30 William and Kate have been married for nine years and known each other for sixteen .
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