Example sentences of "itself the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That means both that there is a dialectical meaning of the practical ensemble … and that each singular event totalizes in itself the practical ensemble in the infinite richness of its singularity ’ ( II , 26 ) .
2 The Hexagonale regional grouping ( comprising Austria , Czechoslovakia , Hungary , Italy , Poland and Yugoslavia — see p. 38508 ) decided in Vienna on Jan. 28 to rename itself the Central European Initiative with immediate effect ; Yugoslavia did not participate in the meeting but Slovenia and Croatia were represented .
3 It is not possible at present to decide whether the Cys 177 sulfhydryl group is itself the ultimate recipient of the methyl group or whether it is required for catalysis of automethylation of the enzyme at some other site .
4 It could be argued that Gould 's irrebuttable presumption finds its support in the fact that the judiciary has arrogated to itself the ultimate decision on all questions of law .
5 On May 7th farmers , politicians and ex-generals who oppose majority rule met in Pretoria to launch a new alliance calling itself the Afrikaner Volksfront , or Afrikaner People 's Front .
6 The adoption by the BCP congress of a moderate reformist manifesto did not dissuade members of a BCP faction calling itself the Alternative Socialist Organization ( ASO — the most radical of several pro-reform factions which had emerged in the party in January ) from carrying out a threat to split from the BCP and form a new social democratic party .
7 If , on the other hand , the obstacle is of such a kind as to jeopardize the integration of the market , it may seriously be doubted whether it is still proportionate to be in itself the legitimate objective pursued by the measure .
8 But at least it brought in a lot of new business for the organisation which now likes to call itself the listening bonk .
9 Held , dismissing both appeals , the tape recording of an interview was itself the primary exhibit , although as a matter of convenience it was usual for the prosecution , with the consent of the defence , to provide an abbreviated transcript of its contents for the use of the court and the jury .
10 in the Court of Appeal , ‘ in view of the historic struggle of the legislature to secure for itself the sole power to levy money upon the subject , its complete success in that struggle , the elaborate means adopted by the representative House to control the amount , the conditions and the purpose of the levy , the circumstances would be remarkable indeed which would induce the court to believe that the legislature had sacrificed all the well-known checks and precautions , and , not in express words , but merely by implication , had entrusted a Minister of the Crown with undefined and unlimited powers of imposing charges upon the subject for purposes connected with his department . ’
11 Secondly , because the reserves in question , notes and coin and balances at the Bank of England , are liabilities of the Bank of England , then the Bank is itself the sole supplier of such reserves .
12 Secondly , their eyes are on eternal truth , of which each party deems itself the sole defender .
13 The data we have examined suggest that the poll tax was not itself the prime cause of the variation in results either between types of local authority or individual councils .
14 The BBC again found itself the unwilling accomplice of the advertisers .
15 Not only were there more 40s. men and fewer at £1 or less , but in the borough itself the poorest class was much smaller than on the land , implying that the more skilled , more remunerative trades were carried out there , while poorly paid weavers and the like lived and worked in Speenhamland .
16 They were monarchs indeed from the mid eleventh century on , ruling over a monarchy as wide as western Christendom with some very material weapons ; but it was a spiritual monarchy in which military power had no hand ; and in Rome itself the spiritual monarchy became for ever entangled with the pope 's role as the ruler of the city .
17 It recognises ( a recognition reflected in such celebrated instances as the Bill of Rights 1689 and the Case of the Sheriff of Middlesex ( 1840 ) 11 A & E 273 ) that each House is itself the final authority as to the propriety of any particular method of carrying out its functions , and beyond the reach of judicial control in so doing .
18 The idea that the only way of coping with the desuetude of the age , its profound certainty that everything has been said already , is by openly proclaiming this fact as itself the new fact , the idea that the only way of selling your article as original is to declare that it is repro , seems to run up against an ethical objection in a writer like Palandri , however sophisticated his own literary apparatus undoubtedly is .
19 Also , interestingly , Labour was trying to claim for itself the new Prospective owner-occupiers with a promise of low interest mortgages for low income earners .
20 At Cannington itself the first informal session was so full that the inquiry organizers told us afterwards they were concerned that the balcony might not be able to sustain the weight .
21 This close attention is itself the major motivator and reward .
22 The celebrant was to be something calling itself the Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain ( Marxist-Leninist ) .
23 Other incidents included explosions on April 2 and 3 , 1989 , which caused damage at the British Cultural Centre in Kizilay ; a group calling itself the Revolutionary Left claimed responsibility .
24 Within Belfast itself the inner city lost heavily , down from 417,000 to 340,000 between 1971 and 1978 .
25 We saw earlier that such a relationship of passive dependency on a parental power perceived as essentially paternal might account for the undoubted paranoid elements which emerge along with the megalomania of the divine monarchs — itself the paranoid equivalent of depressive mania .
26 The formal disruption is itself the visible manifestation of the political demand .
27 In this way , casting ceases to be just an intermediary stage in the act of creation but is itself the finished product of that act .
28 I , I can remember all the activity and er when it was erected there was a fella from the First World War , he lost a leg in the war and he was in charge of the billiards room and the tables , when they built the club itself the front part used to be devoted to card games and then they installed a billiards hall and the tables and as I say a chap named he used to live in Street , but he was , a lost a leg during the war and they found him the job of looking after the tables and marking
29 The term proportionality does moreover not resolve in and of itself the actual standard of review .
30 It is in this rarefied atmosphere that IBM may find the key to once again making itself the preferred partner of big business — a role that it has not recently played to sufficiently enthusiastic reviews .
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