Example sentences of "minister at the " in BNC.

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1 After last month 's stormy meeting in Luxembourg , when EC member nations could not agree on a common approach to takeover regulation and supervision , John Redwood , the new junior minister at the DTI , will propose a compromise when the ministers gather tomorrow .
2 Stalin is dead , and so since this summer is Andrei Gromyko , who as Deputy Foreign Minister at the time of the 1957 note , might have been in a position to provide some elucidation .
3 ‘ I started being a prime minister at the age of 53 .
4 He was replaced , not by the senior figure of Denis Healey , who was chained to his oar at the Treasury in the aftermath of the IMF cuts , but by the youthful and little-known figure of David Owen , Crosland 's junior minister at the Foreign Office .
5 ‘ I will be calling upon the minister at the Housing Consultative Council to think again about the Government 's policy of reducing housing benefits and increasing council house rents , ’ he said .
6 Rajiv Gandhi 's call when still India 's prime minister at the September 1989 Non-Aligned summit for an $18 million fund based on contributions equivalent to 0.1 per cent of GDP by UN members has the support in principle of the influential Mrs Gro Brundtland of Norway .
7 ‘ You and I and Henry will be with the Minister at the Select Committee all afternoon , and we 'll have to be on call to brief all morning .
8 With a new Prime Minister at the helm , the time was opportune for a further review of strategy to take account of these recent advances in weapon systems .
9 Britain 's farm minister at the time , Michael Jopling , said this agreement was ‘ probably one of the most important reached since the inception of the CAP ’ .
10 He had touched on some of the reasons why the United Kingdom had been outsmarted and disadvantaged when he had spoken before the Prime Minister at the meeting of the Economic Planning Council .
11 He was a young lawyer of about thirty in his first year in Parliament , who had sufficiently impressed someone in Government to have been given the job of Junior Minister at the Trade office .
12 The fact that a Labour government collapsed as a result of the economic and unemployment situation , caused a precipitate decline in Labour fortunes once Ramsay MacDonald decided to continue as Prime Minister at the head of a National government .
13 He had already gained experience of some of the economic problems of the post-war economy in his role as minister at the Board of Trade , from April 1921 to October 1922 , and then as Chancellor of the Exchequer from October 1922 until May 1923 .
14 One of the most colourful Tory backbenchers , Mr Nicholas Soames , MP for Crawley and a grandson of Winston Churchill , becomes a junior minister at the Ministry of Agriculture .
15 Dr Mawhinney becomes Health Minister while Mr Needham becomes a minister at the Department of Trade and Industry .
16 The former racing driver and industrialist Lady Denton — who entered the Lords last year — becomes a junior minister at the Department of Trade and Industry ; Lady Blatch moves from Environment to Minister of State for Education ; and Baroness Cumberlege becomes a junior minister at Health .
17 In 1985 , William Waldegrave , minister at the DoE , intervened to urge cooperation between the Commission and the Institute for Terrestrial Ecology ( ITE ) .
18 Both he and Fitzroy Maclean were bidden to dine with the Prime Minister at the British Embassy on 8 August .
19 Michael Howard , then a Minister at the Department of the Environment , reported an opinion poll as having found that one-quarter of people who had not previously voted in local elections intended to vote in future as a result of the community charge ( interview on This Week , Next Week , 21 February 1988 ) .
20 Eden was probably referring to the unfortunate statement from Henry Hopkinson , junior minister at the Colonial Office , that Cyprus would ‘ never ’ be granted full independence , and a domestic slip-up : an announcement that the manufacture of heroin would cease entirely in the UK ( the medical profession subtly pointed out its legitimate uses as a drug ) .
21 Heseltine , in his resignation statement , concentrated on ‘ three ministerial meetings chaired by the Prime Minister at the beginning of December ’ .
22 I had repeated a story told some weeks before by our minister at the chapel , and he was one of the party guests .
23 All right , Giles Shaw , the junior minister at the Department of the Environment , was in Brussels .
24 The junior minister at the Scottish Office , Allan Stewart , tells me that his role in matters such as mink in Shetland is no more than that ‘ essentially of a confirming authority ’ .
25 The next rough ride came when the youngsters grilled Lord Kearton , Sir Andrew Huxley and William Shelton , a junior minister at the Department of Education and science .
26 The principal speaker at the launch was Robert Jackson , junior minister at the Department of Employment , who stressed the role of professional institutes in training and continuing education in industry .
27 It is within this conceptual framework that a government minister at the Department of the Environment can , with seemingly irrefutable common sense , conceptualise inner cities as the places where ‘ those living there have not been able to participate in the economic miracle of the Thatcher years ’ ( Trippier , 1989 , p7 ) and which require a strong police presence because ‘ the future prosperity of the inner cities depends directly on how safe they are in which to live and work ’ ( ibid , p22 ) .
28 He is a robust pro-European and was also the key player in securing a victory for the Prime Minister at the EC summit in Edinburgh .
29 Dr Rhodes Boyson , Minister at the DEDNI , received 2,200 letters of protest over the proposed lignite mining .
30 One day there were about a dozen of us there , including Dickie and myself ; I was Prime Minister at the time .
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