Example sentences of "found [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And already we 've found ourselves with the word on our lips !
2 ‘ … we have found ourselves at the end of the research thoroughly persuaded of its merits .
3 ‘ We have found ourselves in the unusual position of having created our own market . ’
4 ‘ We 've found ourselves in a spot of bother with the police over at the office .
5 After his long , slow climb Stoneley had found himself to be a novice at office in-fighting , some examples of which could make the brutal intentions of a common criminal seem almost harmless .
6 In fact Patrickson , under such circumstances , could have found himself at variance with the old Company of Mines Royal which still had the powers vested in it and doubtless to his mortification be forced to give up his work or pay a Royalty — not however , to Muncaster estates .
7 I had not doubt that this Ichaelan free-lance , probably some spindly droop with acne and myopia , had found himself on a world where nothing but good old genetics had spawned a race of tall , handsome , muscular people .
8 He was in uniform , very much in the situation in which Lewis had found himself as an undergraduate at Univ .
9 And it is apparent that Ackroyd has found himself in this manner — through exposure to Wilde , Eliot , and now Chatterton .
10 One scholar has found himself in the awkward position of having to describe William Falconer , author of The Shipwreck , as ‘ a peasant of the sea ’ .
11 His reaction was so wild that he would have found himself in even deeper trouble if he had connected with Simpson .
12 The laird who sought the politician 's aid had found himself in an embarrassing predicament when a brother had unexpectedly returned to the family estate after many years spent at sea .
13 Had that proposal been acted on , McKusick , CSRG senior programmer and past president of Usenix , would have found himself in another conflict of interests since he is believed to be a secret a director of BSDI .
14 After the The Lancaster House agreement , Mike had found himself in a similar position to the rest of the Rhodesian Army — overqualified , over-trained , and unemployed .
15 The last time he called on us after his exhibition at Keighley he seemed a new man , with a delight in having found himself in his painting and amazement that it also gave pleasure to so many others .
16 Now what happened , and it was a good procedure because what happened was that if anyone say on a Friday had found himself in a difficult situation , we would then discuss it on the Monday afternoon , er bearing in mind that he had taken it to the foreman and had got no response from the foreman , we could discuss it on a Monday afternoon , the convenor and the secretary would deal with it the following day , and in all probability , without having recourse to take it any further , reply to the man that the matter had been resolved and , and to his liking .
17 By the time I 've got up there and slithered through the cut-through , Casey has found himself in a fight .
18 At school he had been enthusiastic but undistinguished , and after it he had found himself in a polytechnic in the Midlands , in the state of paralysis of the imagination that tends to grip adolescents when the time for choosing a career looms .
19 A MUSICIAN who wrote a unique series of music books for physically disabled people has found himself in their shoes after suffering a stroke .
20 I am rather surprised that Martin Frears has found himself in this predicament .
21 Following the Coopers merger with Deloittes , Pearson had found itself with three firms of auditors — Deloitte & Touche and Arthur Andersen in the US and Coopers & Lybrand in the rest of the world — a situation it found cumbersome and expensive .
22 Meanwhile , the FRCN has found itself without an outlet in most state capitals .
23 Even though by 1873 it was proclaimed the biggest brewing company in the world , Truman 's too found itself under pressure from the growing popularity of Burton ales .
24 Very seldom in the history of French sport has a national team found itself under an almost moral obligation to win ’ , said the same editorial .
25 The court was influenced by evidence pointing to the fact that the defendants had been negligent and it was stated that had steps been taken to mitigate the nuisance , the Council would not have found itself in the position it was now in .
26 In this chapter I have made no attempt to discuss why it should be that the DES has found itself in the situation of promulgating these various initiatives , or indeed how it sees the relationship between them .
27 The system has found itself in dire need of a new way of legitimating itself , and this need has given rise to a variety of responses .
28 In addition to suffering the longstanding US economic blockade , Cuba has found itself in 1990 and 1991 coming to terms with new threats to its economic viability .
29 This is almost the position in which the Liberal party has found itself in recent elections ( see Table 5.2 ) .
30 It was yielding some ore but had found itself amongst the old bottoms out of which " the eyes had been picked " .
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