Example sentences of "saw [noun prp] as " in BNC.

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1 Wealthy party members , including newspaper owners and businessmen , saw McCarthy as a weapon with which they could ensure victory in 1952 , and backed the Senator financially .
2 Yet might there not have been some confused episode , something which , when Irina was much younger , had distressed her , appalled them both , something which neither of them in their childishness — for here Ludens saw Marcus as a child — had really understood ?
3 Hitler saw Czechoslovakia as the key to breaking Germany 's encirclement while Neville Chamberlain excused his appeasement of Hitler with the excuse that he knew nothing about the Czechs .
4 Rather than pub landlord or beanery boss , Lorne saw Gary as a celebrity restaurateur .
5 Eden , who in pre-war days had fought a losing battle in British politics against the appeasement of the dictators , saw Nasser as the reincarnation of Mussolini , if not of Hitler ; and in consequence , tried to use a sledge-hammer to crack a nut .
6 St Isidore of Seville ( d. 636 ) saw Spain as a Christian land , in which the separate identities of Goth and Roman were no longer of any but historical interest .
7 This letter implies that Richardson saw Leapor as a poet of genuine merit .
8 David saw ACSS as a pressure group ( ‘ Not like Greenpeace .
9 Pickering said : ‘ Dave Mackay did a great job for Derby in his mid-thirties and we saw Robson as the same type of leader . ’
10 This step was a significant move in its own right , since de Gaulle saw China as one of the emerging giants of the new multipolar system .
11 They were only one of many small groups Nguyen Seth took an interest in , but Duroc knew the Elder saw Paris as an important flashpoint in the coming deluge and so they required more personal attention than similar factions in Johannesburg , Puerto Belgrano , Teheran , Shanghai , Mexico City , Malmo , Berlin , Belfast , Genoa or Birmingham .
12 They saw Jesus as a threat to their legalistic religion .
13 It saw Jesus as the victim on the cross who in submitting to Satan became his victor .
14 Mark saw Jesus as the Messiah .
15 He saw God as a glorified combination of boat and helicopter , not unlike Jules Verne 's The Terror .
16 Macmillan saw Polaris as an ideal strategic weapon acquired at a modest cost ; he saw the Nassau negotiations as a diplomatic and political triumph .
17 According to one authority , ‘ Most close observers of the Washington scene and system saw Reagan as a media success who would be overwhelmed by the immense substantive and managerial demands of the presidency . ’
18 During the revolution , the Bolsheviks saw Tobolsk as one of their strongholds and used the town as a springboard into the rest of the Urals .
19 Britain , though , was still prepared to offer little , for she saw Egypt as a vital strategic position in the post-war world , and agitation broke out once more , with Zaghlul again exiled .
20 For all its humiliating decline , Khan still saw Delhi as a vibrant and sophisticated city , full of glamour and intrigue ; the beauty of its palaces and shrines , he thought , was rivalled only by the strangeness of the city 's society and its dazzling complement of poets , dancers and mystics .
21 As the Vikings rowed their warships round the north of Scotland , past Cape Wrath , their ‘ turning point ’ , down the ragged west coast of their ‘ South Land ’ , they saw Suilven as a single , dramatic pillar ; and they named it Sul Val , the pillar mountain .
22 But the man was a romantic and probably saw Steve as an obstacle he might have to overcome .
23 Even Jean Monnet , the mover of much that was to occur in the future , saw Britain as the nucleus of a European Community .
24 Statements by the Iranian government made it clear that it saw ECO as the basis for a future Islamic common market which might ultimately embrace some 300 million people — a quarter of all Muslims — and rival the European Communities in importance .
25 The Incas saw Cuzco as ‘ the navel of the world . ’
26 Are we to deduce from this that Vincent saw Theo as an artist-manqué , or was he simply trying , not too hard in this instance , to shift the guilt a child feels before a self-sacrificing parent ?
27 France saw Space-Lab as an American attempt to control European space research .
28 Having lost their captain , Zbigniew Boniek , arguably the greatest of Polish footballers , to Juventus , Widzew saw Dziekanowski as a replacement and so , at 21 , ‘ Jacki ’ was transferred in 1984 for 21m zlotys , a record between Polish clubs , amounting at that time to some £200,000 .
29 Eliot 's reading of Heart of Darkness whose Buddha-like clerk , Marlow , saw London as ‘ one of the dark places of the earth ’ further blended savage and ‘ sepulchral city ’ .
30 Leese saw Mosley as an unprincipled opportunist and argued that his fascism was not based on racial nationalism .
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